Crypto Orderbook is an open source scalable dynamic orderbook system for generating orderbooks that show the volume of buy and sell orders at different $ prices for pairs of currencies. Orderbooks are generated from live crypto stock exchange web socket data messages.
View an example of the application here:
An order book takes live buy and sell data and constructs a live repersentation of a currency on a spceicific market at a specific moment in time. The orderbook takes messages from a websocket at high speed and the application constructs a live list of ordered buys and sells, continously adding, removing, updating and grouping different values within each list.
The orderbook consists of 2 different tables:
Displays the volume of buy orders at different prices. This list is ordered by price DESC.
Displays the volume of sell orders at different prices. This list is ordered by price ASC.
The orderbook has several features:
Allows user to control the grouping of price bands within the orderbook. Each currrency pair (e.g. ETH/USD) has a different array of group values.
Allows user to toggle which currency is loaded into the orderbook.
Closes the websocket connection and when clicked again will restart the websocket connnection with the currrent configuration.
Gives the user an intuitive way to visualise buy and sell volumes at different prices. The bars width is the rows total volume as a percentage of total book volume.
Clone the application
git clone
Install the application and dependencies:
npm i
Start the application:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
The application uses a novel configuration system and set of files (found in /config) to define currencies and generate currency pair configurations for orderbooks. The application takes the configuration files and loads them into the applications store (Redux), while a custom orderbook component, set of actions, websocket manager and set of atomically designed components is used to generate the orderbooks and its features.
To define currrencies in the appliction add a currency defintion to the lists property in the config/lists.json file:
/** /config/tables
ETH: {
title: "ETH",
inc: [0.05, 0.1, 0.25],
ticker: 0.05,
product_ids: "PI_ETHUSD"
In order to generate an orderbook we must define an orderbook currency pair within the configuration. In order to do this add a orderbook pair definition in the config.json file:
/** /config
orderbooks: {
btc_eth: {
title: 'Orderbook 1',
products: ['XBTC', 'ETH'],
current: 'XBTC'
}, orderbooks: {
btc_eth: {
title: 'Orderbook 1',
products: ['XBTC', 'ETH'],
current: 'XBTC'
Create the orderbook by importing the orderbook component and passing it the name of the currency pair you wish to load:
<OrderBook pair="btc_eth" />
The application has been developed using a functional programminng style, utilising the latest SPA technologies.
Untyped 3rd party npm packages are declared in src/modules.d.ts
The application is fully typed. Global types and interfaces can be found in /types.ts.
Latest version of React using React hooks and a purely functional approach.
Latest version of Redux using Redux toolki and Redux Saga in tandem with react hooks.
70% unit test coverage using React testing library, Jest, and mock-store library.
Live market data is taken from a websocket connection from a major crypto exchange and data is saved to the Redux store and sorted for display.
Styled componts library is used to style all components and all elements of orrdeerbook are configurable via a global theme file found in /theme.
Unit tests are written with React Testing Library for key components and funtions within the application. Test files are located in directories alongside their corresponding units.
To run tests:
npm test
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
Redux is mocked within unit tests using redux-mock-store package and Jest.
To build the application for production:
npm run build
Builds the app for production to the /build` folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.