This demo project is created to reproduce a KCP bug.
I have run this setup for some hours and the measurements kept their trendency.
I used OperatorSDK to scaffold the content of this repo
- created a single
resource with its controller
- created a single
downloaded the KCP binary, run locally
The controller could not be simpler.
The CRD that it works on:
type FooSpec struct {
Foo string `json:"foo,omitempty"`
type FooStatus struct {
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
It sets the status message to the foo
field's value.
The simplified code:
func (r *FooReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
var instance demov1alpha1.Foo
r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &instance)
instance.Status.Message = instance.Spec.Foo
r.Update(ctx, &instance)
return ctrl.Result{}, nil
- place a KCP binary under:
Hint: tmux
run KCP:
make start-kcp
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/kcp/admin.kubeconfig
run the operator:
make run
run some stimulus:
- place a Prometheus binary under:
- run it:
make prom