ruby-build-railsexpress is an rbenv plugin that provides an rbenv install command to compile and install Ruby with memory profiling and optimization patches from Rails Express patchset.
Clone the repository to rbenv plugins directory.
git clone https://github.com/adymo/ruby-build-railsexpress.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build-railsexpress
Now rbenv install -l
command should see -railsexpress Ruby versions.
To update ruby-build-railsexpress, go into the ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build-railsexpress
directory and run git pull
to download the latest changes.
Still in development. Coming soon.
List available Ruby versions with railsexpress patches.
rbenv install -l | grep railsexpress
Pick a version and install it.
rbenv install <version>
Follow the ruby-build instructions.