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A project characterizing pathogen communities on native and invasive grasses, and evaluating impacts of plant community structure on pathogens


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This repository holds the data and code for the manuscript "Native perennial and non-native annual grasses shape pathogen community composition and disease severity in a California grassland" by Amy E. Kendig, Erin R. Spear, S. Caroline Daws, S. Luke Flory, and Erin A. Mordecai published in Journal of Ecology.


  • code: descriptions below
  • original-data: descriptions below
  • intermediate-data: datasets produced by processing original data
  • output: outputs of R scripts that are used as inputs to other R scripts or as figures or tables in manuscript
  • metadata: metadata for each data file in original-data, see manuscript for details on data collection
  • invasion-pathogen-communities.Rproj: RStudio project for running R scripts
code desription
fungal_data_processing.R R script to format foliar fungal pathogen isolate data from JRBP compilation
damage_data_processing.R R script to format disease severity data from JRBP compilation
background_plant_data_procssing.R R script to format grass density data from the observational study and manipulated experiment
fungal_community_differences.R R script to assess differences between foliar fungal pathogen communities associated with native perennial and non-native annual grasses (Question 1a)
damage_differences.R R script to assess differences in disease severity between native perennial and non-native annual grasses (Question 1b)
fungal_community_host_density.R R script to assess the effects of native perennial and non-native annual grass densities on foliar fungal pathogen communities (Question 2a)
damage_host_density.R R script to assess the effects of native perennial and non-native annual grass densities on disease severity (Question 2b)
density_figures.R R script to create figures for Questions 2a and 2b
manipulated_experiment_map.R R script to create Fig. S2
data description
2016ExperimentPlotList_26Apr16_PlotAssignments.csv treatments applied to plots in the manipulated experiment at JRBP
BgPlantSizeStatus_JepsonCalFloraJRBP_021120.csv species-level data for grasses at JRBP
competition_plot_seeds_composition_damage plant density data collected from the manipulated experiment at JRBP in 2016
Data File 3 - Full Dataset.csv foliar fungal isolates, sequences, OTUs, and estimated species identities collected from grasses at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve (JRBP) in 2015-2017
JRBP_PathogenDamage_21July2016_Full.csv disease severity data collected from grasses in the manipulated experiment and observational study at JRBP in 2016
JRBP_plant_count_combined_2015-04-10.csv plant density data collected from the observational study at JRBP in 2015
JRBPmidAprPathPrcntDamCulturesData_25Apr2015ERS.csv disease severity data collected from grasses in the observational study at JRBP in April 2015
JRBPmidMarPathPrcntDamData_5Apr2015ERS.csv disease severity data collected from grasses in the observational study at JRBP in March 2015
JRBPtransects11to14PathPrcntDam28Apr_7May2015ERS.csv disease severity data collected from grasses in transects at JRBP in April 2015
transect_seeds_composition_damage.csv plant density data collected from the observational study at JRBP in 2016


Please contact me with any questions about raw data if you are interested in using it for your own project.


Kendig, A. E., E. R. Spear, S. C. Daws, S. L. Flory, and E. A. Mordecai. (2020). Data from: Native perennial and non-native annual grasses shape pathogen community composition and disease severity in a California grassland. (Version v1.0). Zenodo.


A project characterizing pathogen communities on native and invasive grasses, and evaluating impacts of plant community structure on pathogens







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