WP Bullet VPS Installer
The provisioning tool for preconfiguring a VPS for WordPress on a Debian 8 x64 system, it may work on Ubuntu 15.x and later
You should only use this on a fresh VPS!
sudo apt-get install git -y
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/wpbullet/WP-Bullet-WordPress-VPS-Installer
cd WP-Bullet-WordPress-VPS-Installer
sudo bash wpbullet.sh
- Only choose one of items 1-6 beginning with Apache or nginx
- Use Spacebar to choose items to install
- Use Tab to choose Install and press Enter to begin
- Random passwords are generated for you
- Uses wp-cli
- You can use an IP instead of a domain name for local environments
- A summary of credentials is displayed when the installer completes
- SSL configuration use self-signed certificates to use Full SSL with CloudFlare