This repository contains a demonstration of Yolv8n running on an RK3588 device.
Edit CMakeList.txt to set your OpenCV installation directory:
set(OpenCV_DIR /root/lib/opencv454_install/lib/cmake/opencv4)
Replace the path with your own OpenCV installation directory.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Inference from Images
To run the demo using default image:
Inference from Video
Video inference is currently under development 🚧. To run the demo, please install ffmpeg and rtsp server, modifiy the input_path in src/ and rtsp address.
The tools directory contains scripts for model conversion which are intended to be run on a host machine. These include:
This script removes the tail of the official exported Yolv8n model.
This script converts the modified ONNX model (with the head removed) to an RKNN model.