ForgAE is an aeternity framework which helps with setting up a project. The framework makes the development of smart contracts in the aeternity network pretty easy. It provides commands for compilation, deployment of smart contracts, running a local node and unit testing the contracts.
The framework can be installed via npm:
npm i -g forgae
forgae init
The init command creates aeternity project structure with a few folders in which the developer can create
the contracts, tests and deployment files and scripts. Docker configuration files are also created, for easy use of the aeternity blockchain network.
The init --update command updates projects files. Important all files in docker folder and docker-compose will be replaced.
forgae node
The node command help developers run their local network on docker. The local network contains 3 nodes. To spawn a fully functional network takes couple of minutes. At the end of this command you will be presented with accounts that you can use in your unit tests.
forgae node
To stop the local node, simply run
forgae node --stop
forgae compile
The compile command compiles Sophia contract. It's recommended to use .aes file extension. Default directory is $projectDir/contracts. The result of the compilation is the contract bytecode printed in the console. Additional --path parameter is available, which can specify the path to the contract to be compiled.
You can specify network using the -n or --network option. There are 3 options for networks predefined and available :
- "local" - "http://localhost:3001"
- "testnet" - ""
- "mainnet" - ""
forgae compile -n testnet
forgae deploy
The deploy command help developers run their deploy script aeternity proejcts. The sample deploy script is scaffolded in deployment folder.
You can specify network using the -n or --network option. There are 3 options for networks predefined and available :
- "local" - "http://localhost:3001"
- "testnet" - ""
- "mainnet" - ""
forgae deploy -n testnet
Additional --path parameter is availabe, which can specify the path to the deployment scripts.
The -s is used for adding a secretKey that will be used to deploy and call contracts
Deployer.deploy(path, gasLimit, initState) function can take up to 2 arguments:
- path - relative path to the contract
- gasLimit - the gas limit for the deployment
- initState - variable for the arguments of the init function of the contract
forgae test
The test command help developers run their unit tests for aeternity projects. The command executes the tests scripts that are located in the test folder of your aeternity project. Additional --path param is available, which can specify the path to the tests
forgae exposes special convenience global variables and functions that can be used in the unit tests.
Global wallets array is available to be used by the developer. Wallets has 10 items all representing the 10 forgae node
wallets created on the node start. Every item has the structure of:
"publicKey": "ak_fUq2NesPXcYZe...",
"secretKey": "7c6e602a94f30e4e..."
This structure makes it very convenient for creation of SDK client objects
const host: "http://localhost:3001/",
const internalHost: "http://localhost:3001/internal/",
// Create client objects
owner = await Ae({
url: host,
internalUrl: internalHost,
keypair: wallets[0],
nativeMode: true,
networkId: 'ae_devnet'
nonOwner = await Ae({
url: host,
internalUrl: internalHost,
keypair: wallets[1],
nativeMode: true,
networkId: 'ae_devnet'
Similarly to wallets
there is a global variable minerWallet
representing the wallet of the node miner following the same structure.
// Create client objects
miner = await Ae({
url: host,
internalUrl: internalHost,
keypair: minerWallet,
nativeMode: true,
networkId: 'ae_devnet'
In order to see a list of what you've deployed you can run the following command:
forgae history [limit]
- limit - [Optional] By specifying --limit you can set the max number of historical records to be shown. Default is 5.
forgae history --limit 10
is a package giving helper functions mainly for working with files. Most widely used one is readFileRelative(relativePath, fileEncoding)
const contractSource = utils.readFileRelative(config.contractSourceFile, "utf-8");
const compiledContract = await client.contractCompile(contractSource, {
gas: config.gas
Contracts aepp integration
The integration between the forgae and the Contracts aepp allows the user to compile and deploy contracts using the Contracts aepp on the local spawned node.
The Contracts aepp runs on http://localhost:8080/ by default.
There are three optional parameters to forgae contracts
- --nodeUrl - specify the url of the node to which the contracts aepp to connect with.
It defaults to the following url - http://localhost:3001/;
forgae contracts --nodeUrl http://localhost:3002/
- --update - update the contracts aepp with the latest version;
- --ignoreOpenInBrowser - ignoring opening of the browser;
You can execute function of smart contract from deployed instance
contract ExampleContract =
public function sayHello(name : string) : string =
String.concat("Hello, ", name)
public function donate() : int =
let deployer = new Deployer('local', privateKey);
deployedContract = await deployer.deploy(path.resolve(__dirname, contractPath));
let result = await deployedContract.sayHello('World'); // result would be: "Hello, World"
or you can execute/call functions from another private/secret key
const fromInstance = await deployedContract.from(anotherSecretKey);
let result = await fromInstance.sayHello('Friend'); // result would be: "Hello, Friend"
or you just want to donate some aettos
await deployedContract.donate({ value: 991 });