This repository provides the code for reproducing the experiments in SP-EyeGAN: Generating Synthetic Eye Movement Data and Improving Cognitive-State Analysis from Eye Gaze with Synthetic Eye-Movement Data. Additionally, you can also use the pre-trained models and create the synthetic data you need for your experiments.
To reproduce all the tables and figures from the paper you can run the following notebooks:
- Run/inspect notebook this notebook to reproduce Tables 2 and 3 comparing the quality of generated fixations and saccades.
- Run/inspect notebook this notebook to reproduce Figure 3 showing eye movements generated with SP-EyeGAN on a text.
- Run/inspect notebook this notebook to reproduce Tables 4-8 and Figure 5 comparing methods on downstream tasks.
In the original experiments, we used Python 3.9.
Clone the github repository to obtain the ADHD dataset:
- Using git(hub)s CLI and ssh:
git clone [email protected]:aeye-lab/sp-eyegan
- without ssh:
git clone
- if you do not use the terminal / git bash / ide you can download the zip file at the top right of the repository. Extract the zip file after downloading it.
- RAM: 12 GB to store the training data to train FixGAN and SacGAN
- GPU-RAM: 12 GB (we trained the models using a A100-SXM4-40GB
- time to train SP-EyeGAN: approx 20 min to train FixGAN and 5 min to train SacGAN on a A100-SXM4-40GB
You can install and setup conda using the this tutorial.
To install all packages necessary to execute the code:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We provide a ssh script which lets you rerun all experiments. We assume that you will have activate a virtual or conda environment, or work with a global pip installation.
If you do not to replicate all experiments, you can either choose to comment out certain parts of the
or other bash scripts or follow the steps provided below. Depending on your hardware rerunning all experiments might take several days.
We use the pymovements
package to download the data. For this either execute scripts/
or it is also part of the
Alternatively, you can also download the data from the sources listed below.
Download the GazeBase data:
- Download and extract the GazeBase data into a
to train FixGAN and SacGAN figshare-link.
Download the JuDo1000 data:
- Download and extract the JuDo1000 data from this osf-link.
Download the SB-SAT data:
- Download the SB-SAT data into a
Clone the github repository to obtain the ADHD dataset into data/ecml-ADHD
- Using git(hub)s CLI and ssh:
git clone [email protected]:aeye-lab/ecml-ADHD data/ecml-ADHD
- without ssh.:
git clone data/ecml-ADHD
- if you do not use the terminal / git bash / ide you can download the zip file at the top right of the repository. After downloading the zip file, extract it to your local clone of this repositry.
Download the Gaze on Faces dataset:
- Download the Gaze on Faces data into the
folder where you cloned this repositry. Then extract the zip
to contain the path to the GazeBase, SB-SAT, HBN, and Gaze on Faces directories, where you want to store the models and classification results.
To train generative models to create fixations and saccades follow the next steps.
Create the data containing fixations and saccades extracted from GazeBase (for the task of reading a text) by running:
python -m --stimulus text
Fixations and saccades for the other stimuli could be extracted by change thestimulus
(allowed stimili are {text, ran, hss, fxs, video, all}).
Train GANs to create fixations and saccades on previously created set of fixations and saccades:
- Train FixGAN:
python -m sp_eyegan.train_event_model --event_type fixation --stimulus text
- Train SacGAN:
python -m sp_eyegan.train_event_model --event_type saccade --stimulus text
Note, in the script the models will be trained one after the other. You can also parallel the runs by either adding a &
at the end of the line in the scripts/
. Or starting two processes with the two lines above. Models trained for the other stimuli could be extracted by change the stimulus
(allowed stimili are {text, ran, hss, fxs, video, all}).
Create synthetic data using the previously trained GANs:
python -m create_synthetic_data --stimulus text --scanpath_model random --window_size 5000
Creating synthetic data for the other stimuli could be extracted by change the stimulus
(allowed stimili are {text, ran, hss, fxs, video, all}). You can also change the scanpath_model
to stat_model
In the following we will show how to pretrain two different models on several different sampling rates using contrastive loss. The will train for two models at 1000Hz. If you want to use your own architecture, you can add the architecture to contrastive learning environment and call it via --encoder_name YOUR ARCHITECTURE NAME
. Note that window_size
should be equal for both the synthetic data created and the pretraining script.
for training on 1,000 Hz (note, these examples assume you have access to at least 4 gpus -- if not adjust by not using -GPU NUMBER): * pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and EKYT architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --stimulus text -augmentation_mode random -sd 0.1 -sd_factor 1.25 -encoder_name ekyt -GPU 0 --window_size 5000
* pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and CLRGaze architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --stimulus text -augmentation_mode random -sd 0.1 -sd_factor 1.25 -encoder_name clrgaze -GPU 0 --window_size 5000
for training on 120 Hz
- pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and CLRGaze architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --augmentation_mode random --sd 0.05 --encoder_name clrgaze --GPU 2 --data_suffix baseline_120 --target_sampling_rate 120 --window_size 5000
- pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and EKYT architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --stimulus text--augmentation_mode random --sd 0.05 --encoder_name ekyt --GPU 3 --data_suffix baseline_120 --target_sampling_rate 120 --window_size 5000
for training on 60 Hz
- pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and CLRGaze architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --stimulus text --augmentation_mode random --sd 0.05 --encoder_name clrgaze --GPU 0 --data_suffix baseline_60 --target_sampling_rate 60 --window_size 5000
- pretrain model with contrastive loss with random augmentation on synthetic data and EKYT architecture:
python -m sp_eyegan.pretrain_constastive_learning --stimulus text --augmentation_mode random --sd 0.05 --encoder_name ekyt --GPU 0 --data_suffix baseline_60 --target_sampling_rate 60 --window_size 5000
Evaluate models on SB-SAT downstream tasks via:
with fine-tuning and using a random forest:
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_reading_comprehension --encoder_name clrgaze
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_reading_comprehension --encoder_name ekyt
without pre-training (training from scratch):
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_reading_comprehension --encoder_name clrgaze --fine_tune 0
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_reading_comprehension --encoder_name ekyt --fine_tune 0
Evaluate on biometric verification tasks via (using two gpus):
- with fine-tuning and using a random forest:
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset judo --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset judo --gpu 1 --encoder_name ekyt
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset gazebase --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset gazebase --gpu 1 --encoder_name ekyt
- without pre-training (training from scratch):
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset judo --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze --fine_tune 0
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset judo --gpu 0 --encoder_name ekyt --fine_tune 0
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset gazebase --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze --fine_tune 0
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_biometric --dataset gazebase --gpu 0 --encoder_name ekyt --fine_tune 0
Evaluate contrastively pre-trained models on gender classification task via:
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_gender_classification --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_gender_classification --gpu 0 --encoder_name ekyt
Evaluate contrastively pre-trained models on ADHD detection task via:
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_adhd_classification --gpu 0 --encoder_name clrgaze
python -m sp_eyegan.evaluate_downstream_task_adhd_classification --gpu 0 --encoder_name ekyt
To see an example of how to create synthetic data look into this notebook.
If you are using SP-EyeGAN in your research, we would be happy if you cite our work by using the following BibTex entry:
author = {Paul Prasse and David R. Reich and Silvia Makowski and Shuwen Deng and Daniel Krakowczyk and Tobias Scheffer and Lena A. J{\"a}ger},
title = {{SP-EyeGAN}: {G}enerating Synthetic Eye Movement Data with {G}enerative {A}dversarial {N}etworks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye-Tracking Research and Applications},
series = {ETRA 2023},
year = {2023},
publisher = {ACM},
doi = {10.1145/3588015.3588410],
title = {Improving cognitive-state analysis from eye gaze with synthetic eye-movement data},
journal = {Computers & Graphics},
volume = {119},
pages = {103901},
year = {2024},
issn = {0097-8493},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Paul Prasse and David R. Reich and Silvia Makowski and Tobias Scheffer and Lena A. Jäger},