SEMPRE is a toolkit for training semantic parsers, which map natural language utterances to denotations (answers) via intermediate logical forms. See for a walkthrough of the system.
If you use this system, please cite:
author = {J. Berant and A. Chou and R. Frostig and P. Liang},
booktitle = {Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
title = {Semantic Parsing on {F}reebase from Question-Answer Pairs},
year = {2013},
SEMPRE depends on the following:
- Java 7
- Ruby (version 1.8.7 or 1.9)
- fig
- Google Guava (version 14)
- Jackson JSON Processor (version 2.2)
- TestNG (version 6.8)
- Apache Lucene (version 4.4)
- Stanford CoreNLP (version 3.2)
Aside from Java and Ruby, remaining software dependencies are among
what's fetched by the download-depenencies
To troubleshoot or check for repository health, you can run a suite of unit tests that come packaged with the system. The command for this is:
./sempre @mode=test -excludegroups xfail
These tests assume you have a connection to a SPARQL endpoint at localhost:3093. To avoid this assumption, you can exclude any tests that require a SPARQL server by instead running:
./sempre @mode=test -excludegroups xfail,sparql
And if you don't have emnlp2013 dependencies downloaded, you'll need to exclude yet another group of unit tests:
./sempre @mode=test -excludegroups xfail,sparql,emnlp2013
All of these tests should pass.
SEMPRE is licensed under the GNU General Public License (v2 or later). Note that this is the /full/ GPL, which allows many free uses, but not its use in distributed proprietary software.