This Repository contain exercise to follow the workshop about kubernetes fundamentals.
All exercises have the same statement "I have a POD and I would like in logs a specific phrase"
If you are solving the simple-pod exercices folder you´ll need to do the follow things:
* Open simple-pod.yml file * Add the name simple-pod-<your-name> to deploy this pod * Add the correct namespace to deploy this POD * Deploy POD in your kubernetes cluster * See the Pod logs and memorize the phrase * Open file simple-pod-enviroment.yml * Change the name of POD and change nameSpace to correct namespace to deploy. * Deploy POD and show error in log. * Add env variables until pod show to you the same phrase that you memorized.
If you are solving the config-map exercises folder you´ll need to do the follow things.
* Remember the phrase of simple-pod * Open file config-map-names.yml and change the namespace and name of configmap * Store this configmap in kubernetes * Open file simple-pod-configmap.yml and change the name of pod and put correct namespace * Change the configmap reference to use the configmap stored (you could change the las of name where you see <your-name> put your name the start of reference is not modificable) * Deploy POD describe in simple-pod-configmap.yml and show logs * Modify simple-pod-configmap.yml to add prperties if is necesary and store it. * Create new configmap with reference configmap-time-<your-name> * Add SURNAME key in simple-pod-configmap.yml * Deploy POD until you can see the memorized phrase in Log
If you are solving secrets exercises folder you´ll need to do the follow things:
* Open file simple-pod-secrets.yml * Create an env variable into a POD with key TIME_TO_COMPLETED and value 3600 * Create a configmap file with keys NAME and SURNAME * Create a secret file with key SECRET * Store in Kubernetes this files * Modify simple-pod-secrets.yml to use the secret file and configmap * Deploy simple-pod-secrets.yml and show logs. * Execute the process until you can see in the logs the phrase that you memorized.