Small JavaScript library for making box selections on HTML elements. Makes use of CSS transforms so there is no paint flashing.
npm install --save box-selection
const instance = new BoxSelection({
container: document.getElementById('container'), // The scope in which BoxSelection should function.
itemSelector: '.item', // The CSS class BoxSelection will use to target items.
selectedClass: '.selected', // The CSS class that will be added to the HTML elements that fall within the selection box.
selectionClass: '.selection', // The CSS class that will be added to the selection box.
mode: 'loose', // 'loose' or 'strict'
onSelectionChange: (selectedItems) => {
console.log(selectedItems) // Array of HTML elements that fall within the selection box.
instance.unbind() // Function you can call to unbind all of BoxSelection's events.
CSS styling used in GIF:
.selection {
background-color: rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5);
border: 1px solid darkorange;
z-index: 1;