Web Application for superimposing images, either by uploading file or using a webcam. This web app makes use of the MVC structure, built using PHP 5.6.25, CSS3, MySQL, Javascript and the PHP GD library
To run this app clone the repository in the root of the web server
What things you need to run the web application
PHP version 5.6.25 or greater , Apache Web Server, PHP GD Library
Run the 'install.sh' shell script to move the files/folders to fit the right file structure
Update the init file `app/init.php` if you want the omniauth strategies to work (APP ID and Secret)
Update the config file setup.php `app/conf/setup.php` to have the correct MySQL login information
- Andre Marques - All - afullstopdot
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
This message pertains to the students of 42 and WTC (WeThinkCode_).
This project is important for your web development. It is of the utmost importance that you take this serious and and implement these web apps by yourself and not by copying this work. Copying this work as is, without understanding and being able to implement your own work defeats the pedagogy and subsequently is cheating.