This project is about creating a client and a FTP server (File Transfer Protocol) that allows you to send and receive files between one or many clients and the server.
To use the server and client for learning or use clone it locally.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
gcc or clang compiler
Installing just requires a clone or download
git clone on terminal or download the zip straight from here.
For use
Compile the library for use, using the Makefile
make all
Remove the object files
make clean
Remove the libft library
make fclean
Remove the library and recompile
make re
Additionally, for checking WeThinkCode_ / 42 norm
make norm
./server port &
Where “port” is the port number.
./client server port
Where “server” is the name of the hosting machine on which your server is, and “port” the port number.
ls : list in the current server’s directory
cd : change the current server’s directory
get _file_ : download the file _file_ from the server to the client
put _file_ : upload the file _file_ from the client to the server
pwd : display the path of the current server’s directory
quit : cuts the connection + exit the program
- Andre Marques - All - afullstopdot
- goisetsi - All - goisetsi
- **** - All - afullstopdot
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
This message pertains to the students of 42 and WTC (WeThinkCode_).
Copying this work as is, without understanding and being able to implement your own work defeats the pedagogy and subsequently is cheating.