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ML Model Processor for Spring Cloud Data Flow

SCDF processor abstraction for executing a Python step in a machine learning pipeline.

Link to recorded demo


NOTE: This is NOT production-ready code. It is only implemented as a prototype.

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Current Limitations

  • Currently supports Python 3.
  • (Other - to be documented)


model_entry: (Required)

Name of the MLProject entry point which will be invoked on load, ex. app.main

git_sync_repo: (Required)

git clone address (https) of the git repository hosting the MLFlow MLProject.

monitor_app: (Optional, default: false)

Whether this is a monitoring application for an mlmodel.

monitor_sliding_window_size: (Optional, int)

The size of the sliding window to use for monitoring.

monitor_schema_path: (Optional, default: data/schema.csv)

The location of the CSV schema file to use for data drift detection.

How It Works

mlmodel runs a Python processor application in a Spring Cloud Data Flow streaming pipeline as an MLFlow MLProject. Using environment variables injected by Spring Cloud Data Flow, (either out-of-the-box or by injecting a ConfigMap as a pipeline property), it prepares the following ports:

  • Data ports, which are connectors for integrating with services on ETL, training & tuning clusters

    • These ports are dynamically injected and auto-discoverable. To use, a ConfigMap is mounted to the SCDF pipeline with environment variables whose names follow a given convention, allowing the ports to be accessible for reading and writing via Convention over configuration. This convention will support almost any kind of port (the current version demonstrates RabbitMQ Messaging and Streaming ports.)
      For example:
      Use ports.get_rabbitmq_streams_port('abc', flow_type=FlowType.INBOUND, YOUR_KWARG_OVERRIDES)
      to initialize an inbound connection to a RabbitMQ Streams broker, using environment variables ABC_SCDF_ML_MODEL_RABBITMQ_HOST, ABC_SCDF_ML_MODEL_RABBITMQ_PORT, ABC_SCDF_ML_MODEL_RABBITMQ_USERNAME etc as initialization parameters.

  • Control port for driving the main flow, which is to execute the mlmodel application as an MLFlow run

    • This port is automatically instantiated to handle the flow of parameters between the current step (a processor), the prior processor or sink, and the following processor or source. It sets up an MlFlow run for this step with various parameters. It also enables integration with endpoints exposed via environment variables injected into the ConfigMap above, ex. RAY_ADDRESS for Ray, or MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI for MlFlow.

  • Monitoring port for exporting ML, data and resource metrics to SCDF's integrated Prometheus

    • This port is automatically instantiated to handle scraping a Prometheus endpoint,/actuator/prometheus, which is exposed by default by the processor. A helper library (beta) was developed which supports exporting metrics to /actuator/prometheus.

In order to inject the ports into the MLProject code automatically, Python functions must be annotated with the @scdf_adapter decorator. This enables access to in-built adapters for accessing the ports, injects parameters from the SCDF pipeline into the MLProject, and also automatically enables the control port.


(Coming soon: Full instructions for testing the ML Model Processor in a full-fledged pipeline. The guidance below provides a partial subset of instructions.)

  • To build and run ML Model Processor docker image locally:
docker build -t scdf-ml-model:0.0.1 .
docker push scdf-ml-model:0.0.1 .
docker run -v $(pwd)/app:/parent/app scdf-ml-model:0.0.1
  • To register custom ML processor:
java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-2.9.2.jar
dataflow config server --uri
app register --type processor --name ml-model --uri docker://<your-docker-registry>/scdf-ml-model:1.0.7
  • To unregister previously deployed processor:
app unregister --type processor --name ml-model
  • To deploy a streaming pipeline:
stream create --name MyPipeline --definition '<your source> | <your processor> | <your processor> | ... | <your sink>'

For example:

stream create --name anomaly-detection-training --definition 'http | extract-features: ml-model model_entry=app.main git_sync_repo=<your-repo>/sample-ml-step.git|  log'
  • To deploy a streaming pipeline:
stream deploy --name MyPipeline --properties ',ENV2=VAL2,...'

For example:

stream deploy --name anomaly-detection-training --properties 'deployer.extract-features.kubernetes.enviroment-variables=GIT_SYNC_REPO=,MODEL_ENTRY=app.main,,MODEL_ENTRY=app.main'
  • To test the example:
    • Deploy the configmap dependency:
cd </path/to/sample/ml/project> (from
kubectl delete configmap test-ml-model || true
kubectl create configmap test-ml-model --from-env-file=.env
cd -
kubectl rollout restart deployment/skipper
kubectl rollout restart deployment/scdf-server
  • Prepare the environment for the pipelines:
  • In GitHub, create Secrets under Settings -> Secrets -> Actions:
    • Create a Secret named CREATE_PIPELINE_CMD with the content of scripts/commands/create-scdf-ml-pipeline.txt
    • Create a Secret named UPDATE_PIPELINE_CMD with the content of scripts/commands/update-scdf-ml-pipeline.txt
    • Create a Secret named SCDF_ML_KUBECONFIG with the cluster kubeconfig
    • Create a Secret named DEMO_REGISTRY_USERNAME with the container registry username
    • Create a Secret named DEMO_REGISTRY_PASSWORD with the container registry token/password
    • Create a Secret named PRODUCER_SCDF_ML_MODEL_RABBITMQ_VIRTUAL_HOST with the virtual host to use for the pipelines (/ for default)


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