HandyAPI - the Ruby gem for the Handy API v2.0.0
API to interact with the 'TheHandy'.
IMPORTANT: This API is compatible with devices running firmware version 3 (v3) only. See note below on how to deal with firmware version 2 (v2) devices with this API.
Send us a mail or add us on discord for a more technical chat - Handy#8756
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When using the API make sure you connect to the server environment that the device you are trying to interact with is connected to.
For most users this will be the production environment API server: https://www.handyfeeling.com/api/handy/v2
If you have been given special access to firmware that connects to the staging environment, you should use the staging environment API server: https://staging.handyfeeling.com/api/handy/v2
Users with firmware v2 devices are required to update their device to firmware v3 before the device can be fully used with this API.
To ease this process, two of the endpoints in this API can be used with firmware v2 devices:
- Check online status of a device./info
- Get general information about the device.
For v2 devices it's important to handle the fwStatus returned from the
endpoint properly.v2 devices will always have fwStatus = UPDATE_REQUIRED(2). See
documentation for more details.When using the API with a device, you should always start by verifying that the device have a firmware that is compatible with the API you are using in your service.
An example flow could look like this:
- Check if device is conncted with
- Check device firmware status with
- If a firmware update is required, forward the user to <a href="https://www.handfyfeeling.com\">https://www.handfyfeeling.com so they can easily update the device firmware.
- Continue your service when the firmware status returned in
is UP_TO_DATE(0).
Operations in BASE, SLIDE, TIMESYNC and HSTP are mode independent and available at any time.
Other operations are only available in a specific mode (eg. HAMP, HDSP, HSSP).
To access these operations, the device have to first be put in the specific mode (see
).If you execute an operation not available in the current mode of the device, you will receive a 'No such method' error response.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0-beta-3
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build handy_api.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./handy_api-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./handy_api-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'handy_api', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'handy_api', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'handy_api'
api_instance = HandyAPI::BASEApi.new
x_connection_key = 'x_connection_key_example' # String | Device connection key.
#Get extended device information.
result = api_instance.get_info(x_connection_key)
p result
rescue HandyAPI::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling BASEApi->get_info: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to https://www.handyfeeling.com/api/handy/v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | get_info | GET /info | Get extended device information. |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | get_mode | GET /mode | Get the current mode of the device. |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | get_settings | GET /settings | Extended device settings. |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | get_status | GET /status | Get the device status. |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | is_connected | GET /connected | Check device connectivity. |
HandyAPI::BASEApi | set_mode | PUT /mode | Set the current mode of the device. |
HandyAPI::HAMPApi | get_hamp_state | GET /hamp/state | Get the HAMP state of the device. |
HandyAPI::HAMPApi | get_hamp_velocity_percent | GET /hamp/velocity | Get the HAMP velocity setting of the device in percent. |
HandyAPI::HAMPApi | hamp_stop | PUT /hamp/stop | Stop alternating motion. |
HandyAPI::HAMPApi | set_hamp_velocity_percent | PUT /hamp/velocity | Set the HAMP velocity setting of the device in percent. |
HandyAPI::HAMPApi | start | PUT /hamp/start | Start alternating motion. |
HandyAPI::HDSPApi | next_position_abs_in_time | PUT /hdsp/xat | Sets the next absolute position (xa) of the device, and the time (t) the device should use to reach the position. |
HandyAPI::HDSPApi | next_position_percent_in_time | PUT /hdsp/xpt | Sets the next percent position (xp) of the device, and the time (t) the device should use to reach the position. |
HandyAPI::HDSPApi | next_position_percent_velocity_absolute | PUT /hdsp/xpva | Sets the next percent position (xp) of the device, and the absolute velocity (va) the device should use to reach the position. |
HandyAPI::HDSPApi | next_position_percent_velocity_percent | PUT /hdsp/xpvp | Sets the next percent position (xp) of the device, and the percent velocity (vp) the device should use to reach the position. |
HandyAPI::HDSPApi | next_postion_abs_velocity_abs | PUT /hdsp/xava | Sets the next absolute position (xa) of the device, and the absolute velocity (va) the device should use to reach the position. |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | get_hssp_state | GET /hssp/state | Get the HSSP state of the device. |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | get_loop_setting | GET /hssp/loop | Get the HSSP loop setting of the device. Only available in firmware >= 3.2.x |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | hssp_stop | PUT /hssp/stop | Stop script playing. |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | play | PUT /hssp/play | Start script playing. |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | set_loop_setting | PUT /hssp/loop | Set the HSSP loop setting of the device. Only available in firmware >= 3.2.x |
HandyAPI::HSSPApi | setup | PUT /hssp/setup | Setup script synchronization. |
HandyAPI::HSTPApi | get_device_time | GET /hstp/time | Get the current time of the device. |
HandyAPI::HSTPApi | get_offset | GET /hstp/offset | Get the HSTP offset of the device. |
HandyAPI::HSTPApi | get_round_trip_delay | GET /hstp/rtd | Get the round-trip-delay-time (rtd) between the device and the server. |
HandyAPI::HSTPApi | set_offset | PUT /hstp/offset | Set the HSTP offset of the device. |
HandyAPI::HSTPApi | sync | GET /hstp/sync | Syncronize the connected device with the server clock. |
HandyAPI::MAINTENANCEApi | get_update_status | GET /maintenance/update/status | Get the device update status. |
HandyAPI::MAINTENANCEApi | restart | PUT /maintenance/restart | Restart the device. |
HandyAPI::MAINTENANCEApi | update_perform_fw | PUT /maintenance/update/perform | Perform firmware update. |
HandyAPI::OTAApi | latest | GET /ota/latest | Get the latest available firmware available for the provided model and branch. |
HandyAPI::SLIDEApi | get_position_abs | GET /slide/position/absolute | Get the current slide position |
HandyAPI::SLIDEApi | get_slide | GET /slide | Get the slide settings. |
HandyAPI::SLIDEApi | set_slide | PUT /slide | Set slide settings. |
HandyAPI::TIMESYNCApi | get_server_time | GET /servertime | Get current server time. |
- HandyAPI::BASEModeErrors
- HandyAPI::Branch
- HandyAPI::ConnectedResponse
- HandyAPI::ErrorResponse
- HandyAPI::ErrorResponseError
- HandyAPI::ErrorResponseErrorCode
- HandyAPI::Events
- HandyAPI::FirmwareStatus
- HandyAPI::GenericError
- HandyAPI::GenericResult
- HandyAPI::GenericResultResponse
- HandyAPI::GetDeviceTime200Response
- HandyAPI::GetDeviceTime200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::GetHAMPState200Response
- HandyAPI::GetHAMPState200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::GetHAMPVelocityPercent200Response
- HandyAPI::GetHSSPState200Response
- HandyAPI::GetHSSPState200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::GetInfo200Response
- HandyAPI::GetLoopSetting200Response
- HandyAPI::GetMode200Response
- HandyAPI::GetMode200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::GetOffset200Response
- HandyAPI::GetPositionAbs200Response
- HandyAPI::GetRoundTripDelay200Response
- HandyAPI::GetRoundTripDelay200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::GetSettings200Response
- HandyAPI::GetSlide200Response
- HandyAPI::GetStatus200Response
- HandyAPI::GetUpdateStatus200Response
- HandyAPI::HAMPModeErrors
- HandyAPI::HAMPResponse
- HandyAPI::HAMPStartResponse
- HandyAPI::HAMPState
- HandyAPI::HAMPStopResponse
- HandyAPI::HAMPVelocityPercent
- HandyAPI::HAMPVelocityPercentResponse
- HandyAPI::HDSPModeErrors
- HandyAPI::HDSPRequest
- HandyAPI::HDSPResponse
- HandyAPI::HDSPResult
- HandyAPI::HDSPTimeRequest
- HandyAPI::HSSPModeErrors
- HandyAPI::HSSPPlay
- HandyAPI::HSSPPlayResponse
- HandyAPI::HSSPPlayResult
- HandyAPI::HSSPResponse
- HandyAPI::HSSPSetupResult
- HandyAPI::HSSPState
- HandyAPI::HampStop200Response
- HandyAPI::InfoResponse
- HandyAPI::LoopSettingResponse
- HandyAPI::LoopSettingUpdate
- HandyAPI::Mode
- HandyAPI::ModeUpdate
- HandyAPI::ModeUpdateResponse
- HandyAPI::Model
- HandyAPI::NextPostionAbsVelocityAbs200Response
- HandyAPI::NextXAT
- HandyAPI::NextXAVA
- HandyAPI::NextXPT
- HandyAPI::NextXPVA
- HandyAPI::NextXPVP
- HandyAPI::OffsetResponse
- HandyAPI::OffsetUpdate
- HandyAPI::OtaLatest
- HandyAPI::OtaLatestResponse
- HandyAPI::Play200Response
- HandyAPI::PositionAbsoluteResponse
- HandyAPI::RPCResult
- HandyAPI::RestartRequest
- HandyAPI::ServerTimeResponse
- HandyAPI::SetHAMPVelocityPercent200Response
- HandyAPI::SetMode200Response
- HandyAPI::SetSlide200Response
- HandyAPI::SettingsResponse
- HandyAPI::Setup
- HandyAPI::Setup200Response
- HandyAPI::Setup200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::SlideResponse
- HandyAPI::SlideResult
- HandyAPI::SlideResultResponse
- HandyAPI::SlideSettings
- HandyAPI::SlideSettingsAnyOf
- HandyAPI::SlideSettingsAnyOf1
- HandyAPI::SlideSettingsAnyOf2
- HandyAPI::SlideUpdateResponse
- HandyAPI::SliderMaxResponse
- HandyAPI::SliderMinResponse
- HandyAPI::Start200Response
- HandyAPI::StateResult
- HandyAPI::StatusResponse
- HandyAPI::StatusResponseState
- HandyAPI::Sync200Response
- HandyAPI::Sync200ResponseOneOf
- HandyAPI::SyncResponse
- HandyAPI::UpdatePerform
- HandyAPI::UpdateStatusResponse
- HandyAPI::WebHook
- HandyAPI::WebHookOpts
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (unique)