This book introduces the mathematics behind computer programming.
The book can be previewed in (CN). The first two chapters in English are available. For the rest chapters, English translation is on going.
- Chapter 1, Natural numbers. Peano Axiom, list and folding; (CN, EN)
- Chapter 2, Recurrsion. Euclidean algorithm, Lambda calculus, and Y-combinator; (CN, EN)
- Chapter 3, Group, Ring, and Field. Galois Theory; (CN)
- Chapter 4, Category theory and type system; (CN)
- Chapter 5, Deforest. Build-fold fusion law, optimization, and algorithm deduction; (CN)
- Chapter 6, Infinity. Set theory, Infinity and stream; (CN)
- Chapter 7, Logic paradox, Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and Turing halting problem. (CN)
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- TeXLive, The book is built with XeLaTeX, a Unicode friendly version of TeX;
- ImageMagick, which converts the images to eps format;
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$ wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl.zip
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$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
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$ sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/host-system
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$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
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$ xcode-select --install
enter the folder contains the book TeX manuscript, run
$ make
This will generate unplugged-en.pdf and unplugged-zh-cn.pdf. If you only need the Chinese version for example, you can run make cn
LIU Xinyu
``Cogito ergo sum''