This project is retired. As Micronaut become core of the Grails starting at Grails 4, please, use Micronaut Recurly instead.
The Recurly Plugin allows you to integrate Recurly subscription billing in your Grails application.
Recurly offers enterprise-class subscription billing and recurring billing management for thousands of companies worldwide.
Recurly Plugin provides the following Grails artefacts:
- RecurlyService - A service client to call Recurly APIs v2.
- RecurlyAccount, RecurlyPlan, RecurlySubscription, etc - REST resource clients to call Recurly APIs v2.
- RecurlyWebHook - Web hook end point for Recurly Push Notifications.
Declare the plugin dependency in the build.gradle file, as shown here:
repositories {
maven { url "" } // TEMP, to remove once the plugin is officially released
dependencies {
compile "org.grails.plugins:recurly:3.0.1"
Create a Recurly account, in order to get your own credentials.
Add your apiKey and privateKey to your grails-app/conf/application.yml:
subDomain: yourSubDomainHere
apiKey: RECURLY_PRIVATE_API_KEY // To communicate with Recurly's API v2
apiVersion: 2.7
publicKey: RECURLY_PUBLIC_KEY // To identify your site when using Recurly.js v3.
user: username // Optional, for push notifications authentication
pass: password // Optional, for push notifications authentication
repostUrl: REPOST_URL // Optional, if defined, every push notification received will be resent (useful to use as service like ChartMogul)
To use Recurly APIs, you can use recurlyService (easier to mock in tests) or Recurly* REST resource clients (easier to use).
You can inject recurlyService in any of your Grails artefacts (controllers, services...) in order to call Recurly APIs.
import grails.plugin.recurly.*
recurlyService = ctx.getBean('recurlyService')
// Account - GET
def existingAccount = recurlyService.getAccountDetails('1').entity
// Account - CREATE
def account = new RecurlyAccount(
userName: '',
firstName: 'Verena',
lastName: 'Example',
accountCode: '4',
email: '[email protected]',
companyName: 'ACME'
account = recurlyService.createAccount(newAccount)
// Account - UPDATE
account.userName = 'verena'
account = recurlyService.updateAccount(account).entity
// Account - DELETE (it will close the account)
// Account - LIST
def accounts = recurlyService.listAccounts()
// Plan - LIST
def plans = recurlyService.listAllSubscriptionPlans().entity
// Billing info - GET
def billingInfo = recurlyService.getBillingDetails('1').entity
// Billing info - UPDATE
billingInfo.firstName = 'Benoit'
billingInfo = recurlyService.createOrUpdateBillingDetails(details, '1').entity
// Etc
For more details, check RecurlyService Groovy docs
Or you can use a friendlier static methods added to domain/REST objects in order to call Recurly APIs.
import grails.plugin.recurly.*
// Account - GET
def existingAccount= RecurlyAccount.fetch('1')
// Account - CREATE
def account = new RecurlyAccount(
userName: '',
firstName: 'Verena',
lastName: 'Example',
accountCode: '5',
email: '[email protected]',
companyName: 'ACME'
// Account - UPDATE
account.userName = 'verena'
// Account - DELETE (it will close the account)
// Account - LIST
def accounts = RecurlyAccount.query(state: 'active', max: 10)
// Billing info - GET
def billingInfo = RecurlyBillingInfo.fetch('1')
// Billing info - UPDATE
billingInfo.firstName = 'Benoit'
// Etc
For more details, check:
- RecurlyAccount Groovy docs
- RecurlyBillingInfo Groovy docs
- RecurlyCreditCard Groovy docs
- RecurlyInvoice Groovy docs
- RecurlyPlan Groovy docs
- RecurlySubscription Groovy docs
- RecurlyTransaction Groovy docs
Recurly can send push notifications to any publicly accessible server. When an event in Recurly triggers a push notification (e.g., an account is opened), Recurly will attempt to send this notification to the endpoint you specify.
This Plugin has built-in mechanism to accept, parse and process the notification and call the desired handler in the application.
Implementing handler is a VERY SIMPLE process. All you have to do is:
Create a service named RecurlyWebHookService
Implement the interface RecurlyWebHookListener by adding all the interface methods (your IDE will do that for you :) )
In Recurly web app > Push Notifications > Configuration, enter your public push notification URL (
) and HTTP Auth credentials (if defined in your grails-app/conf/Config.groovy).
Hurray... Now this service will be automatically registered as the handler for webHookEvents. And the implemented methods will act as the handler to a particular event.
The name of the methods are self explanatory to tell what event they will handle.
Note: if required, you can also repost received push notification to another webhook (useful to use as service like ChartMogul), by setting grails.plugin.recurly.webhook.repostUrl
import grails.plugin.recurly.interfaces.RecurlyWebHookListener
class RecurlyWebHookService implements RecurlyWebHookListener {
static transactional = true
// Account notifications
void newAccountNotificationHandler(RecurlyNewAccountWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing new account notification..."
//Handler code here
void canceledAccountNotificationHandler(RecurlyCanceledAccountWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing canceled account notification..."
//Handler code here
void billingInfoUpdatedNotificationHandler(RecurlyBillingInfoUpdatedWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing billing info updated notification..."
//Handler code here
void reactivatedAccountNotificationHandler(RecurlyReactivatedAccountWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing reactivated account notification..."
//Handler code here
// Payment notifications
void successfulPaymentNotificationHandler(RecurlySuccessfulPaymentWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing successful payment notification..."
//Handler code here
void successfulRefundNotificationHandler(RecurlySuccessfulRefundWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing successful refund notification..."
//Handler code here
void failedPaymentNotificationHandler(RecurlyFailedPaymentWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing failed payment notification..."
//Handler code here
void voidPaymentNotificationHandler(RecurlyVoidPaymentWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing void payment notification..."
//Handler code here
// Subscription notifications
void newSubscriptionNotificationHandler(RecurlyNewSubscriptionWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing new subscription notification..."
//Handler code here
void cancelledSubscriptionNotificationHandler(RecurlyCanceledSubscriptionWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing cancelled subscription notification..."
// Handler Code Here
void expiredSubscriptionNotificationHandler(RecurlyExpiredSubscriptionWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing expired subscription notification..."
//Handler code here
void renewedSubscriptionNotificationHandler(RecurlyRenewedSubscriptionWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing renewed subscription notification..."
//Handler code here
void updatedSubscriptionNotificationHandler(RecurlyUpdatedSubscriptionWebHookNotification notification) {
log.debug "Processing updated subscription notification..."
//Handler code here
- 2017-07-21 V3.0.1 : Required API headers added for invoices download
- 2017-07-21 V3.0.0 : Required API headers added + Grails upgraded to 3.2.11
- 2017-02-03 V3.0.0-beta5 : WebHook controller logic fixed, added interceptor and url mapping + handlerBean renamed to match the webhook service name
- 2016-04-18 V2.2.11 : API errors fully returned in RecurlyApiResponseException
- 2015-10-07 V2.2.10 : Fix in Subscription processor to allow removing add-ons
- 2015-09-01 V2.2.9 : Server reply updated with Customer error only in exceptions
- 2015-07-27 V2.2.8 : Header added for webhook repost (with UTF-8 encoding)
- 2015-05-26 V2.2.7 : Fix in WebHookNotificationProcessor to add add-ons to response
- 2015-04-03 V2.2.5 : Fix in Subscription processor to handle add-ons correctly
- 2015-02-26 V2.2.4 : Fix in BillingInfo processor to handle update for subscriptions made through Paypal
- 2015-02-16 V2.2.3 : Recurly invoice methods fixed (invoice number prefix handled)
- 2015-01-21 V2.2.2 : minor fix
- 2015-01-21 V2.2.1 : fix in billing info processor to add vat_number, and in subscription processor to enabled account company name update
- 2015-01-16 V2.2.0 : upgrade to Recurly.js v3 + bug fixes in subscriptions processor.
BREAKING: Since V2.2.0, Recurly.js v2 has been deprecated in favor of v3.
So legacy privateApiKey
has been removed from config and there is a new publicKey
to identify your site when using Recurly.js v3.
- 2014-11-24 V2.1.3 : Grails 2.4 compatibility
- 2014-05-19 V2.1.2 : fix failed payment notification web hook bug
- 2014-05-19 V2.1.1 : fix new account notification web hook bug
- 2014-05-14 V2.1.0 : updated notification handlers (WARNING: breaking change! Please update your
)- new handlers
- updated handlers
renamed toupdatedSubscription
renamed tofailedPayment
(to match recurly naming)
- new handlers
- 2014-03-13 V2.0.1 : release on
- 2013-11-09 V2.0.0 : plugin refactored to support Recurly APIs v2.
- 2011-09-19 V0.99 : initial release by Kushal Likhi, based on Recurly APIs v1 (deprecated)
To report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.