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0.11 : JSON matchers

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@agourlay agourlay released this 06 Feb 09:39
· 2556 commits to master since this release

This release contains several breaking changes.

JSON matchers

If the exact value of a field is unknown, you can use JSON matchers to make sure it has a certain property or shape.

JSON matchers work more or less like placeholders in practice.

And assert body.ignoring("city", "realName", "publisher.location").is(
    "name": "<favorite-superhero>",
    "hasSuperpowers": *any-boolean*,
    "publisher": {
      "name": *any-string*,
      "foundationYear": *any-positive-integer*

You just need to replace the value of the field by one of the built-in JSON matchers without quotes.

Here are the available matchers:

  • *is-present* : checks if the field is defined
  • *any-string* : checks if the field is a String
  • *any-array* : checks if the field is an Array
  • *any-object* : checks if the field is an Object
  • *any-integer* : checks if the field is an Integer
  • *any-positive-integer* : checks if the field is a positive Integer
  • *any-negative-integer* : checks if the field is a negative Integer
  • *any-uuid* : checks if the field is a valid UUID
  • *any-boolean* : checks if the field is a boolean
  • *any-alphanum-string* : checks if the field is an alpha-numeric String
  • *any-date* : checks if the field is a 'yyyy-MM-dd' date
  • *any-date-time* : checks if the field is a 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'' datetime
  • *any-time* : checks if the field is a 'HH:mm:ss.SSS' time"

This feature is still fresh and under experimentation therefore it comes with a couple of limitations:

  • it is not yet possible to register custom JSON matchers
  • matchers are not supported for JSON arrays assertions

Breaking changes

  • <timestamp> has been replaced by <current-timestamp>
  • circe updated to 0.7.0

Other changes

  • improve error reporting in case of bad header session encoding
  • add event-stream accept header to Server-Sent-Event connection
  • improve documentation of test packaging
  • performance improvements