Sample application to demonstrate rest api, backend rest api consumption & mongo connection
$ git clone
$ cd MyRetailService
$ mvn site -- Unit Test and coverage reports can be accessed in target/site/index.html
$ mvn clean install -- MyRetailService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war Can be deployed to any container
$ mkdir /logs/myretailservice
Install MongoDB $ cd mongodb
Initialize mongo database service $ mongod.exe --dbpath
Install tomcat, install WAR on tomcat, copy to tocat/webapps
Add these jvm args to server classpath -DLog4jContextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector
Start server $ startup.bat/sh
Path host:port/MyRetailService/api/v1/products -- get all products host:port/MyRetailService/api/v1/products/15117729 -- get product for given id, put to update price
For functional testing Open Postman Import from file, choose MyRetailService-Tests.postman_collection.json Run the test cases
Enhancements to include
- Docker image to run on containers
- Adding curl kind of functional tests, eventually can be tied through some jenkins job
- Refactoring as the codebase grows, eventually model & DTO seperation