Heat is a weather application that displays the weather data in your area when you visit. Also, you can search the weather for other places in the world.
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- React.js
- Javascript
Let me guide you through installing, setting up the project and getting it up and running on your local machine.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ahmadfsalameh/weather.git
- Install NPM packages
npm install
file with the following code:REACT_APP_WEATHER_API=[weatherapi.com API Key] REACT_APP_IP_API=[ipgeolocation.io API key]
Please fill in the correct values for your API keys. For more information: weatherapi.com | ipgeolocation.io..
And you're ready 😀! Just run
npm start
Ahmad Salameh - [email protected]
Some of the amazing libraries that I've used in this project.