LWCE (Lightweight Wayland Compositor Environment) is a setup which try to mimic LXDE for wayland, it consists of some lightweight tools. The lists of lightweight tools or apps and alternative of LXDE components :
Window manager : Hikari.
- Lightweight.
- Minimal depenencies.
- Easy to configure.
- Good manual page.
Bar : Yambar.
- Lightweight.
- Customizable.
- Modular.
- Run natively on Wayland.
Terminal : foot
- Lightweight (dependencies and memory) .
- Wayland native.
- Alternative for xterm.
Image Viewer : lximage-qt and imv.
- Alternative for gpicview and feh.
- Run natively on wayland.
- Simple.
Browser : qutebrowser.
- Lightweight.
- Keyboard-driven.
- Customizable.
- GUI-minimalist.
File manager : PCmanfm-qt
- Alternative of pcmanfm.
- Run natively on wayland.
- Lightweight.
Screenshot tool : Grimshot.
- Easy to use.
- Alternative of scrot.
- Minimal dependencies.
App launcher : Wofi and Fuzzel.
Menu : xfce4-appfinder
- lxpanel menu's alternative.
Feel free to add stuffs.