A simple app to add your daily tasks.
You can add and remove tasks or mark tasks that you already did.
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JS & ECMA 6
- Linters(webhint, stylelint, eslint)
- Open your command
- Type "git clone https://github.com/ahmed-al-farouq/to-do-list.git"
- Enjoy!
- Navigate to code tab
- Click on index.html
- Enjoy!
You need to know:
- JS
- Webpack
- Open command line
- Type "git clone https://github.com/ahmed-al-farouq/to-do-list.git"
- npm i webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server --save-dev
- npm run start
- Enjoy!
🧔 Ahmed Omar
- Github: @Ahmed-Alfarouq
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- Twitter: @twitter
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
This project is MIT licensed.