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- styles.css
- app.js
HomePage landing project with HTML, CSS and vanilla javascript.
I made the project by dividing it into smaller tasks and solved each problem which made it easier
- make the navbar dynamically with javascript and don't hardcode it
- heighlight page section when scrolling with mouse
- heighlight active button according to section page
- when button clicled, navigate to page section SCROLLING not jumping
- responsive design for mobile devices
The landing homepage consists of:
*Nav bar ( dynamically created based on the sections of the page )
*Main hero section
*five sections
*Start by linking your app.js *Build out your HTML and at least 4 sections ( provided in the starter code) [+ added one more section] *Build the navigation menu *Add functionality to distinguish the section in view *Add the functionality to scroll to sections *Add a scroll to top button *Make the webpage responsive
*Google Fonts
Udacity FWD
Ahmed Adel