Turn signs into world teleport and command signs
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You can create world signs to teleport the player to a world or command signs which are running a specific command when the player is touching it.
To create a world sign which is teleporting the player to a specific world when he is touching it and is showing the players count in the world, just create a sign like this and touch it.
So write the sign like that:
- world
- the name of the world
- anything like a description of the world
- nothing
To create a command sign which is executing a specific command when he is touching it, just create a sign like this and touch it.
Write the sign like that:
- command
- anything like a description of the command
- the first part of the command
- the second part of the command
So when you are writing your sign like this, it'll execute the command "help".
3. help
4. nothing
And when you're writing your sign like that, it'll also execute the command "help".
3. he
4. lp
# Sign commands and text
world: "world" # When you create a world teleport sign, you need to write that in the first line
worldtext: "§9World" # This will be written in the first line when you created the sign
players: "players" # This is showing the players count of the world, like 7 players
command: "command" # When you create a command sign, you need to write that in the first line
commandtext: "§aCommand" # This will be written in the first line when you created the sign
# Messages
noworld: "§cWorld does not exist" # Message which is sent to the player when a world does not exist
error: "§cError" # Text which is shown on the sign at the players count when the world does not exist
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