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feat: support try-me endpoints in Nomad (#59)
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* feat: add `get_deployment`

* feat: limit job duration

* feat: launch UI in a separate container

* feat: make try-me deployments authenticated

* feat: adapt try-me job to new federated cluster

* feat: add additional safeguards for resource usage

* fix: overwrite main endpoint

* fix: use `latest` for `deepaas_ui` Docker image

* fix: fix limit to 2 try-me deployments

* fix: increase module resources

* fix: avoid restarting module if download failure

* docs: add message to my future self on why try-me might break

* feat: deploy nomad jobs in only in `tryme` nodes

This is done because we want the Nomad jobs to launch very fast (smooth try experience), so we have created specific  `tryme` nodes where the Docker images are being pulled continuously in the background
  • Loading branch information
IgnacioHeredia authored Sep 2, 2024
1 parent d8a3161 commit de9b373
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Showing 7 changed files with 311 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -199,6 +199,9 @@ More details can be found in the [API docs](
**Notes**: The catalog caches results for up to 6 hours to improve UX (see

* `/v1/try_me/`:
endpoint where anyone can deploy a short-lived container to try a module

* `/v1/deployments/`: (🔒)
deploy modules/tools in the platform to perform trainings

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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions ai4papi/
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Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ def load_yaml_conf(fpath):

# Try-me endpoints
nmd = load_nomad_job(paths['conf'] / 'try_me' / 'nomad.hcl')
TRY_ME = {
'nomad': nmd,

# Retrieve git info from PAPI, to show current version in the docs
papi_commit =
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ai4papi/routers/v1/
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@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
import fastapi

from . import catalog, deployments, secrets, stats
from . import catalog, deployments, secrets, stats, try_me

app = fastapi.APIRouter()

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ai4papi/routers/v1/stats/
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Expand Up @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ def get_cluster_stats(
for k, v in n_stats.items():

# Ignore keys
if k in ['name', 'namespaces', 'eligibility', 'status']:
if k in ['name', 'namespaces', 'eligibility', 'status', 'tags']:

# Aggregate nested gpu_models dict
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ def get_cluster_stats_bg():
n_stats['gpu_models'] = {}
n_stats['namespaces'] = node['Meta'].get('namespace', '')
n_stats['status'] = node['Meta'].get('status', '')
n_stats['tags'] = node['Meta'].get('tags', '')

if n['NodeResources']['Devices']:
for devices in n['NodeResources']['Devices']:
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions ai4papi/routers/v1/try_me/
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import fastapi

from . import nomad

app = fastapi.APIRouter()
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions ai4papi/routers/v1/try_me/
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
from copy import deepcopy
import uuid

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, HTTPException
from import HTTPBearer

from ai4papi import auth
import ai4papi.conf as papiconf
from ai4papi.routers.v1.catalog.modules import Modules
from ai4papi.routers.v1.stats.deployments import get_cluster_stats
import ai4papi.nomad.common as nomad

router = APIRouter(
tags=["Nomad trials"],
responses={404: {"description": "Not found"}},
security = HTTPBearer()"/")
def create_deployment(
module_name: str,
Submit a try-me deployment to Nomad.
The deployment will automatically kill himself after a short amount of time.
This endpoint is meant to be public for everyone to try (no authorization required).
We deploy jobs by default in the AI4EOSC namespace.
Returns a string with the endpoint to access the API.
# Retrieve authenticated user info
auth_info = auth.get_user_info(token=authorization.credentials)

# Retrieve docker_image from module_name
meta = Modules.get_metadata(module_name)
docker_image = meta['sources']['docker_registry_repo']

# Load module configuration
nomad_conf = deepcopy(papiconf.TRY_ME['nomad'])

# Generate UUID from (MAC address+timestamp) so it's unique
job_uuid = uuid.uuid1()

# Replace the Nomad job template
nomad_conf = nomad_conf.safe_substitute(
'JOB_UUID': job_uuid,
'NAMESPACE': 'ai4eosc', # (!) try-me jobs are always deployed in "ai4eosc"
'OWNER': auth_info['id'],
'OWNER_NAME': auth_info['name'],
'OWNER_EMAIL': auth_info['email'],
'BASE_DOMAIN': papiconf.MAIN_CONF['lb']['domain'][''], # idem
'HOSTNAME': job_uuid,
'DOCKER_IMAGE': docker_image,

# Convert template to Nomad conf
nomad_conf = nomad.load_job_conf(nomad_conf)

# Check that the target node (ie. tag='tryme') resources are available because
# these jobs cannot be left queueing
# We check for every resource metric (cpu, disk, ram)
stats = get_cluster_stats(vo='')
resources = ['cpu', 'ram', 'disk']
keys = [f"{i}_used" for i in resources] + [f"{i}_total" for i in resources]
status = {k: 0 for k in keys}

for _, datacenter in stats['datacenters'].items():
for _, node in datacenter['nodes'].items():
if 'tryme' in node['tags']:
for k in keys:
status[k] += node[k]
for r in resources:
if status[f"{r}_used"] / status[f"{r}_total"] > 0.95:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Sorry, but there seem to be no resources available right " \
"now to test the module. Please try later.",

# Check that the user hasn't too many "try-me" jobs currently running
jobs = nomad.get_deployments(
namespace="ai4eosc", # (!) try-me jobs are always deployed in "ai4eosc"
if len(jobs) >= 2:
raise HTTPException(
detail="Sorry, but you seem to be currently running two `Try-me` environments already. " \
"Before launching a new one, you will need to wait till one of your " \
"existing environments gets automatically deleted (ca. 10 min)."

# Submit job
r = nomad.create_deployment(nomad_conf)

return r

def get_deployment(
deployment_uuid: str,
This function is used mainly to be able to retrieve the endpoint of the try_me job.
We cannot return the endpoint when creating the job, because the final endpoint will
on which datacenter the job ends up landing.
* **deployment_uuid**: uuid of deployment to gather info about
Returns a dict with info
# Retrieve authenticated user info
auth_info = auth.get_user_info(token=authorization.credentials)

job = nomad.get_deployment(
namespace="ai4eosc", # (!) try-me jobs are always deployed in "ai4eosc"

# Rewrite main endpoint, otherwise it automatically selects DEEPaaS API
job['main_endpoint'] = 'ui'

return job
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions etc/try_me/nomad.hcl
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
* ${UPPERCASE} are replaced by the user
* ${lowercase} are replace by Nomad at launchtime
* remaining is default, same for everybody
When replacing user values we use safe_substitute() so that ge don't get an error for not
replacing Nomad values

job "try-${JOB_UUID}" {
namespace = "${NAMESPACE}"
type = "batch" # try-me jobs should not be redeployed when exit_code=0
region = "global"
id = "${JOB_UUID}"
priority = "0" # try-me jobs have low priority

meta {
owner = "${OWNER}" # user-id from OIDC
owner_name = "${OWNER_NAME}"
owner_email = "${OWNER_EMAIL}"
title = ""
description = ""

# Only use nodes that have succesfully passed the ai4-nomad_tests (ie. meta.status=ready)
constraint {
attribute = "${meta.status}"
operator = "regexp"
value = "ready"

# Only deploy in nodes serving that namespace (we use metadata instead of node-pools
# because Nomad does not allow a node to belong to several node pools)
constraint {
attribute = "${meta.namespace}"
operator = "regexp"
value = "${NAMESPACE}"

# Force that try-me jobs land in "tryme" nodes (that are the ones that have the docker
# images pre-fetched for fast deployment)
constraint {
attribute = "${meta.tags}"
operator = "regexp"
value = "tryme"

group "usergroup" {

# Do not try to restart a try-me job if it raised an error (eg. module incompatible
# with Gradio UI)
reschedule {
attempts = 0
unlimited = false

network {

port "ui" {
to = 80 # -1 will assign random port
port "api" {
to = 5000 # -1 will assign random port

service {
name = "${JOB_UUID}-ui"
port = "ui"
tags = [
"traefik.http.routers.${JOB_UUID}-ui.rule=Host(`ui-${HOSTNAME}.${meta.domain}-${BASE_DOMAIN}`, `www.ui-${HOSTNAME}.${meta.domain}-${BASE_DOMAIN}`)",

ephemeral_disk {
size = 300 # MB

task "main" { # DEEPaaS API

# Run as a prestart task to make sure deepaas has already launched when launching the deepaas UI
lifecycle {
hook = "prestart"
sidecar = true

driver = "docker"

config {
force_pull = true
image = "${DOCKER_IMAGE}:latest"
command = "deep-start"
args = ["--deepaas"]
ports = ["api"]
shm_size = 1000000000 # 1GB
memory_hard_limit = 2000 # 2GB

# (!) Keep in mind that if a module works locally but isn't working in Nomad,
# the reason is likely that these resources are too low and the module freezes
resources {
cores = 1
memory = 2000 # 2GB
memory_max = 2000 # 2GB

# Do not try to restart a try-me job if it failis to launch deepaas
# This is usually due to the fact that the Docker image took too long to download
# and failed with error: `Failed to pull `ai4oshub/...`: context deadline` exceeded
# Restarting in the same node won't fix the connectivity issues
restart {
attempts = 0
mode = "fail"


task "ui" { # DEEPaaS UI (Gradio)

driver = "docker"

config {
force_pull = true
image = ""
ports = ["ui"]
shm_size = 250000000 # 250MB
memory_hard_limit = 500 # MB

env {
DURATION = "10m" # kill job after 10 mins
UI_PORT = 80

resources {
cpu = 500 # MHz
memory = 500 # MB
memory_max = 500 # MB

# Do not try to restart a try-me job if it raises error (module incompatible with Gradio UI)
restart {
attempts = 0
mode = "fail"



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