NeLter is computer tool designed to help amatuer players improve at No Limit Texas Hold 'em. It features a full fledged simulation game where the user can test their abilities against any number of computer opponents that employ a range analysis algorithm and basic strategy to mimic a real life opponent.
This project requires python3, pillow, and requests to be installed in order to run. Python3 can be downloaded here. Once downloaded run the code below (sourced here) for your respective operating system in a python file, and run the output in a terminal or command prompt instance.
import sys
print(f'sudo "{sys.executable}" -m pip install pillow')
print(f'sudo "{sys.executable}" -m pip install requests')
import sys
print(f'"{sys.executable}" -m pip install pillow')
print(f'"{sys.executable}" -m pip install requests')
Now to start the application run the file with python. If you encounter errors ensure all of the python files and resources folder are present in the same directory as the driver file.
The following methods can be used to manually perform the named action as the player who has action on them:
The following method will advance the game by one betting round manually:
The following method will trigger an immediate showdown: