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  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Download source code

Download source code from this repository

$ cd /your/path/src/
$ git clone
$ cd nanbyodata

Configuration environment

Create .env file and set values for your environment.

$ cp templete.env .env


(default: nanbyodata-app)

The name of the docker container. Must be unique in the system.


(default: 8888)

Port to listen on. Must be unique in the system.



The URL of the server. Specifically, the base URL of the SPARQList to connect to.


See Local development environment section.


NOTE: If you are using a version prior to Docker Compose v2.0.0, use the docker-compose command instead of docker compose

Create and start container

$ docker compose up -d

Check status

$ docker compose ps
NAME                SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
nanbyodata-app      app                 running   >8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp

Check the application page can be displayed from a browser on the port number specified in the .env file. e.g. http://localhost:8000

Stop container

$ docker-compose stop

If the source code is changed, it must be stop and then start; this can also be done with the restart command.

Delete container

$ docker-compose down

If .env or docker-compose.yml is changed, delete the container and start it with up -d

Local development environment

Procedure for preparing a development environment on the local PC instead of on the server.
Almost the same as the server environment but use docker-compose_for_dev.yml instead of the default docker-compose.yml. Specify the YML file with the -f option.
Local development environment also includes the nginx container, so also specify the NGINX_PORT port in the .env file.(see below)


(default: 8888)
Nginx port to listen on. Must be unique in the system.
Only required in the local development environment.

Create network

Run only once when building the environment

$ docker network create nanbyodata_dev

If you have not created a network, you may get the following error

$ docker compose -f docker-compose_for_dev.yml up -d
Error response from daemon: network nanbyodata_dev not found

Create and start container

$ docker compose -f docker-compose_for_dev.yml up -d

Check status

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose_for_dev.yml ps   
NAME                 IMAGE            COMMAND                   SERVICE   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS
nanbyodata-app       nanbyodata-app   "pipenv run uwsgi --…"   app       3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>8000/tcp
nanbyodata-nginx     nginx:1.27.1     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   nginx     3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>80/tcp

Stop container

$ docker compose -f docker-compose_for_dev.yml stop

If the source code is changed, it must be stop and then start; this can also be done with the restart command.

Delete container

$ docker compose -f docker-compose_for_dev.yml down

If .env or docker-compose.yml is changed, delete the container and start it with up -d