npm install
download & install mongoDB from
(windows): run batch file startmongo.bat
to create mongo-folder and start mongod server on localhost
(linux/mac): create folder data/db in project and run
mongod --dbpath "data\db"
to choose that folder, then, (Linux only) add testuser ->
mongo Dragon --eval "db.user.insert({email:'[email protected]', name: 'tester' , password: '$2a$04$hKyOOOJPyiSc0ca2xNqCguHwUywRWZPn0P.7H4BbjqwNzH4zKww7u' });"
(in windows this is done in the batch script)
npm run pretest
npm run test
npm run build
npm run build-watch
npm start
-> the postman collection is called "Red Medical.postman_collection.json". Import that into postman.
Run npm run tslint
The server will start on http://localhost:8080