Ailove Standard Edition comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
- FrameworkBundle
- SensioFrameworkExtraBundle
- DoctrineBundle
- TwigBundle
- SwiftmailerBundle
- MonologBundle
- AsseticBundle
- JMSSecurityExtraBundle
- WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test env)
- SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test env)
- SensioGeneratorBundle (in dev/test env)
- SonataAdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator
- SonataMediaBundle
- SonataUserBundle
- SonataEasyExtendsBundle
- SonataIntlBundle
- SonatajQueryBundle
- FOSUserBundle
- MinkBundle
- BehatBundle
Let's guess you have project named "project". To create project run the following commands:
mkdir project cd project mkdir cache conf data repo tmp logs echo -e "DB_HOST =\nDB_NAME = sf21sonata\nDB_USER = user\nDB_PASSWORD = " > conf/database echo -e "ok_app_id=1\nok_app_secret=1\nok_public_key=1\nvk_app_id=1\nvk_app_secret=1\nfb_app_id=1\nfb_app_secret=1" > conf/social chmod 777 * git clone repo/dev cd repo/dev rm -rf .git git init git add .gitignore * git commit -m "Initial commit" curl -s | php php composer.phar install
- cache - for framework cache
- conf - host independed configuration INI files parsed by app/config/factory.php file
- data - directory for uploaded files. Use directory alias for virtual host Alias /data /path/to/project/data
- repo - this directory is used to store git repo. We have placed it into repo/dev directory. Your virtual host should use repo/dev/htdocs as a document directory in this case
- tmp - use this dir to store tmp files as session and etc.
- logs - store the logs here
The bin/vendors
script use composer.phar.
At this point, the app/console
command should start with no issues. However some you need the complete some others step:
- database configuration (create the
Database file example:
DB_HOST = DB_NAME = sf21sonata DB_USER = user DB_PASSWORD =
If DB was not created run the command:
app/console doctrine:database:create
For create schema run the command:
app/console doctrine:schema:create
Run the command:
app/console fos:user:create admin [email protected] admin --super-admin
Open http://project-url.lo/admin/login in your browser and fill the authorization form
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/data/ RewriteCond /path/to/project/%{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-s RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}/app.php/$1 [QSA,L]