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Add tiled implementation of the Flink app (#627)
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* Add custom triggers

* Move triggers

* Add KeySelector

* Comments

* Rename tiling package to window

* WIP runTiledGroupByJob

* Comment-out AsyncKVStoreWriterTest.scala ? question mark ?

* Add ChrononFlinkRowAggregators

* Refactor AvroCodec slightly

* Add TiledAvroCodecFn

* Add LateEventCounter

* Finish runTiledGroupByJob

* Add ChrononFlinkRowAggregationFunctionTest

* Add missing @test decorator

* Add KeySelector tests

* Add e2e tiled test

* Scalafmt

* Comments

* Uncomment AsyncKVStoreWriterTest

* Remove slot sharing so that test finally halts

* Tweak strings in key selector test

* Rename files, change comments

* keyToBytes in process function should convert to array first

* Refactor tiled Flink test, use watermark strategy

* Improve e2e test so that we check actual tile IRs

* rm debug=true

* Use log4j

* Remove comment

* Minor clean up, change comments

* scalafmt

* Add missing getSmallestWindowResolutionInMillis

* Add missing tiledCodec

* Enable debug logs it tests

* Info instead of debug

* Fix lack of isolation in test sink

* Make BaseAvroCodecFn abstract

* Update FlinkJob comments

* Comment

* Move getSmallestWindowResolutionInMillis to GroupByOps

* Use new GroupByOps method, fix mistake

* Revert "Move getSmallestWindowResolutionInMillis to GroupByOps"

* Use toScala, use multiline strings

* Use logger.debug

* Scalafmt

* Fix compile error
  • Loading branch information
caiocamatta-stripe authored Feb 28, 2024
1 parent c93ba28 commit dcb3750
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,146 additions and 105 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
package ai.chronon.aggregator.windowing

import ai.chronon.api.Extensions.{WindowOps, WindowUtils}
import ai.chronon.api.{TimeUnit, Window}
import ai.chronon.api.{GroupBy, TimeUnit, Window}

import scala.util.ScalaJavaConversions.ListOps
import scala.util.ScalaVersionSpecificCollectionsConverter.convertJavaListToScala

trait Resolution extends Serializable {
// For a given window what is the resolution of the tail
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,3 +60,19 @@ object DailyResolution extends Resolution {

val hopSizes: Array[Long] = Array(WindowUtils.Day.millis)

object ResolutionUtils {

* Find the smallest tail window resolution in a GroupBy. Returns None if the GroupBy does not define any windows.
* The window resolutions are: 5 min for a GroupBy a window < 12 hrs, 1 hr for < 12 days, 1 day for > 12 days.
* */
def getSmallestWindowResolutionInMillis(groupBy: GroupBy): Option[Long] =
.flatMap(aggregation =>
if ( != null)
else None)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ class AsyncKVStoreWriter(onlineImpl: Api, featureGroupName: String)
// The context used for the future callbacks
implicit lazy val executor: ExecutionContext = AsyncKVStoreWriter.ExecutionContextInstance

// One may want to use different KV stores depending on whether tiling is on.
// The untiled version of Chronon works on "append" store semantics, and the tiled version works on "overwrite".
protected def getKVStore: KVStore = {
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102 changes: 85 additions & 17 deletions flink/src/main/scala/ai/chronon/flink/AvroCodecFn.scala
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package ai.chronon.flink
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import ai.chronon.api.Extensions.GroupByOps
import ai.chronon.api.{Constants, DataModel, Query, StructType => ChrononStructType}
import ai.chronon.flink.window.TimestampedTile
import{AvroConversions, GroupByServingInfoParsed}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichFlatMapFunction
Expand All @@ -13,28 +14,32 @@ import org.apache.flink.util.Collector
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

* A Flink function that is responsible for converting the Spark expr eval output and converting that to a form
* that can be written out to the KV store (PutRequest object)
* @param groupByServingInfoParsed The GroupBy we are working with
* @tparam T The input data type
* Base class for the Avro conversion Flink operator.
* Subclasses should override the RichFlatMapFunction methods (flatMap) and groupByServingInfoParsed.
* @tparam IN The input data type which contains the data to be avro-converted to bytes.
* @tparam OUT The output data type (generally a PutRequest).
case class AvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed)
extends RichFlatMapFunction[Map[String, Any], PutRequest] {
@transient lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
sealed abstract class BaseAvroCodecFn[IN, OUT] extends RichFlatMapFunction[IN, OUT] {
def groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed

@transient lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
@transient protected var avroConversionErrorCounter: Counter = _
@transient protected var eventProcessingErrorCounter: Counter =
_ // Shared metric for errors across the entire Flink app.

protected val query: Query = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingSource.get.getEvents.query
protected val streamingDataset: String = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingDataset
protected lazy val query: Query = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingSource.get.getEvents.query
protected lazy val streamingDataset: String = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingDataset

// TODO: update to use constant names that are company specific
protected val timeColumnAlias: String = Constants.TimeColumn
protected val timeColumn: String = Option(query.timeColumn).getOrElse(timeColumnAlias)
protected lazy val timeColumnAlias: String = Constants.TimeColumn
protected lazy val timeColumn: String = Option(query.timeColumn).getOrElse(timeColumnAlias)

protected val (keyToBytes, valueToBytes): (Any => Array[Byte], Any => Array[Byte]) =
protected lazy val (keyToBytes, valueToBytes): (Any => Array[Byte], Any => Array[Byte]) =
protected val (keyColumns, valueColumns): (Array[String], Array[String]) = getKVColumns
protected val extraneousRecord: Any => Array[Any] = {
protected lazy val (keyColumns, valueColumns): (Array[String], Array[String]) = getKVColumns
protected lazy val extraneousRecord: Any => Array[Any] = {
case x: Map[_, _] if x.keys.forall(_.isInstanceOf[String]) =>
x.flatMap { case (key, value) => Array(key, value) }.toArray
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +75,16 @@ case class AvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed)
val valueColumns = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.aggregationInputs ++ additionalColumns
(keyColumns, valueColumns)

* A Flink function that is responsible for converting the Spark expr eval output and converting that to a form
* that can be written out to the KV store (PutRequest object)
* @param groupByServingInfoParsed The GroupBy we are working with
* @tparam T The input data type
case class AvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed)
extends BaseAvroCodecFn[Map[String, Any], PutRequest] {

override def open(configuration: Configuration): Unit = {
Expand All @@ -87,16 +102,69 @@ case class AvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
// To improve availability, we don't rethrow the exception. We just drop the event
// and track the errors in a metric. If there are too many errors we'll get alerted/paged.
// and track the errors in a metric. Alerts should be set up on this metric.
logger.error(s"Error converting to Avro bytes - $e")

def avroConvertMapToPutRequest(in: Map[String, Any]): PutRequest = {
val tsMills = in(timeColumnAlias).asInstanceOf[Long]
val keyBytes = keyToBytes(
val valueBytes = valueToBytes(
val keyBytes = keyToBytes(
val valueBytes = valueToBytes(
PutRequest(keyBytes, valueBytes, streamingDataset, Some(tsMills))

* A Flink function that is responsible for converting an array of pre-aggregates (aka a tile) to a form
* that can be written out to the KV store (PutRequest object).
* @param groupByServingInfoParsed The GroupBy we are working with
* @tparam T The input data type
case class TiledAvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed)
extends BaseAvroCodecFn[TimestampedTile, PutRequest] {
override def open(configuration: Configuration): Unit = {
val metricsGroup = getRuntimeContext.getMetricGroup
.addGroup("feature_group", groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.getMetaData.getName)
avroConversionErrorCounter = metricsGroup.counter("avro_conversion_errors")
eventProcessingErrorCounter = metricsGroup.counter("event_processing_error")
override def close(): Unit = super.close()

override def flatMap(value: TimestampedTile, out: Collector[PutRequest]): Unit =
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
// To improve availability, we don't rethrow the exception. We just drop the event
// and track the errors in a metric. Alerts should be set up on this metric.
logger.error(s"Error converting to Avro bytes - ", e)

def avroConvertTileToPutRequest(in: TimestampedTile): PutRequest = {
val tsMills = in.latestTsMillis

// 'keys' is a map of (key name in schema -> key value), e.g. Map("card_number" -> "4242-4242-4242-4242")
// We convert to AnyRef because Chronon expects an AnyRef (for scala <> java interoperability reasons).
val keys: Map[String, AnyRef] =[AnyRef])).toMap
val keyBytes = keyToBytes(in.keys.toArray)
val valueBytes = in.tileBytes

|Avro converting tile to PutRequest - tile=${in}
|groupBy=${groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.getMetaData.getName} tsMills=$tsMills keys=$keys

PutRequest(keyBytes, valueBytes, streamingDataset, Some(tsMills))
149 changes: 136 additions & 13 deletions flink/src/main/scala/ai/chronon/flink/FlinkJob.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,31 @@
package ai.chronon.flink

import ai.chronon.aggregator.windowing.ResolutionUtils
import ai.chronon.api.{DataType}
import ai.chronon.api.Extensions.{GroupByOps, SourceOps}
import ai.chronon.flink.window.{
import{GroupByServingInfoParsed, SparkConversions}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, StreamExecutionEnvironment}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, OutputTag, StreamExecutionEnvironment}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoder
import org.apache.flink.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.async.RichAsyncFunction
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.{TumblingEventTimeWindows, WindowAssigner}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

* Flink job that processes a single streaming GroupBy and writes out the results
* (raw events in untiled, pre-aggregates in case of tiled) to the KV store.
* At a high level, the operators are structured as follows:
* Kafka source -> Spark expression eval -> Avro conversion -> KV store writer
* Kafka source - Reads objects of type T (specific case class, Thrift / Proto) from a Kafka topic
* Spark expression eval - Evaluates the Spark SQL expression in the GroupBy and projects and filters the input data
* Avro conversion - Converts the Spark expr eval output to a form that can be written out to the KV store (PutRequest object)
* KV store writer - Writes the PutRequest objects to the KV store using the AsyncDataStream API
* Flink job that processes a single streaming GroupBy and writes out the results to the KV store.
* In the untiled version there are no-shuffles and thus this ends up being a single node in the Flink DAG
* (with the above 4 operators and parallelism as injected by the user)
* There are two versions of the job, tiled and untiled. The untiled version writes out raw events while the tiled
* version writes out pre-aggregates. See the `runGroupByJob` and `runTiledGroupByJob` methods for more details.
* @param eventSrc - Provider of a Flink Datastream[T] for the given topic and feature group
* @param sinkFn - Async Flink writer function to help us write to the KV store
Expand All @@ -33,10 +39,13 @@ class FlinkJob[T](eventSrc: FlinkSource[T],
groupByServingInfoParsed: GroupByServingInfoParsed,
encoder: Encoder[T],
parallelism: Int) {
private[this] val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

val featureGroupName: String = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.getMetaData.getName"Creating Flink job. featureGroupName=${featureGroupName}")

protected val exprEval: SparkExpressionEvalFn[T] =
new SparkExpressionEvalFn[T](encoder, groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy)
val featureGroupName: String = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.getMetaData.getName

if (groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingSource.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
Expand All @@ -47,7 +56,25 @@ class FlinkJob[T](eventSrc: FlinkSource[T],
// The source of our Flink application is a Kafka topic
val kafkaTopic: String = groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy.streamingSource.get.topic

* The "untiled" version of the Flink app.
* At a high level, the operators are structured as follows:
* Kafka source -> Spark expression eval -> Avro conversion -> KV store writer
* Kafka source - Reads objects of type T (specific case class, Thrift / Proto) from a Kafka topic
* Spark expression eval - Evaluates the Spark SQL expression in the GroupBy and projects and filters the input data
* Avro conversion - Converts the Spark expr eval output to a form that can be written out to the KV store
* (PutRequest object)
* KV store writer - Writes the PutRequest objects to the KV store using the AsyncDataStream API
* In this untiled version, there are no shuffles and thus this ends up being a single node in the Flink DAG
* (with the above 4 operators and parallelism as injected by the user).
def runGroupByJob(env: StreamExecutionEnvironment): DataStream[WriteResponse] = {
f"Running Flink job for featureGroupName=${featureGroupName}, kafkaTopic=${kafkaTopic}. " +
f"Tiling is disabled.")

val sourceStream: DataStream[T] =
.getDataStream(kafkaTopic, featureGroupName)(env, parallelism)
Expand All @@ -70,4 +97,100 @@ class FlinkJob[T](eventSrc: FlinkSource[T],

* The "tiled" version of the Flink app.
* The operators are structured as follows:
* 1. Kafka source - Reads objects of type T (specific case class, Thrift / Proto) from a Kafka topic
* 2. Spark expression eval - Evaluates the Spark SQL expression in the GroupBy and projects and filters the input
* data
* 3. Window/tiling - This window aggregates incoming events, keeps track of the IRs, and sends them forward so
* they are written out to the KV store
* 4. Avro conversion - Finishes converting the output of the window (the IRs) to a form that can be written out
* to the KV store (PutRequest object)
* 5. KV store writer - Writes the PutRequest objects to the KV store using the AsyncDataStream API
* The window causes a split in the Flink DAG, so there are two nodes, (1+2) and (3+4+5).
def runTiledGroupByJob(env: StreamExecutionEnvironment): DataStream[WriteResponse] = {
f"Running Flink job for featureGroupName=${featureGroupName}, kafkaTopic=${kafkaTopic}. " +
f"Tiling is enabled.")

val tilingWindowSizeInMillis: Option[Long] =

val sourceStream: DataStream[T] =
.getDataStream(kafkaTopic, featureGroupName)(env, parallelism)

val sparkExprEvalDS: DataStream[Map[String, Any]] = sourceStream
.name(s"Spark expression eval for $featureGroupName")
.setParallelism(sourceStream.parallelism) // Use same parallelism as previous operator

val inputSchema: Seq[(String, DataType)] =
.map(field => (, SparkConversions.toChrononType(, field.dataType)))

val window = TumblingEventTimeWindows
.asInstanceOf[WindowAssigner[Map[String, Any], TimeWindow]]

// An alternative to AlwaysFireOnElementTrigger can be used: BufferedProcessingTimeTrigger.
// The latter will buffer writes so they happen at most every X milliseconds per GroupBy & key.
val trigger = new AlwaysFireOnElementTrigger()

// We use Flink "Side Outputs" to track any late events that aren't computed.
val tilingLateEventsTag = OutputTag[Map[String, Any]]("tiling-late-events")

// The tiling operator works the following way:
// 1. Input: Spark expression eval (previous operator)
// 2. Key by the entity key(s) defined in the groupby
// 3. Window by a tumbling window
// 4. Use our custom trigger that will "FIRE" on every element
// 5. the AggregationFunction merges each incoming element with the current IRs which are kept in state
// - Each time a "FIRE" is triggered (i.e. on every event), getResult() is called and the current IRs are emitted
// 6. A process window function does additional processing each time the AggregationFunction emits results
// - The only purpose of this window function is to mark tiles as closed so we can do client-side caching in SFS
// 7. Output: TimestampedTile, containing the current IRs (Avro encoded) and the timestamp of the current element
val tilingDS: DataStream[TimestampedTile] =
// See Flink's "ProcessWindowFunction with Incremental Aggregation"
preAggregator = new FlinkRowAggregationFunction(groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy, inputSchema),
windowFunction = new FlinkRowAggProcessFunction(groupByServingInfoParsed.groupBy, inputSchema)
.name(s"Tiling for $featureGroupName")

// Track late events
val sideOutputStream: DataStream[Map[String, Any]] =
.flatMap(new LateEventCounter(featureGroupName))
.name(s"Tiling Side Output Late Data for $featureGroupName")

val putRecordDS: DataStream[PutRequest] = tilingDS
.flatMap(new TiledAvroCodecFn[T](groupByServingInfoParsed))
.name(s"Avro conversion for $featureGroupName")

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions flink/src/main/scala/ai/chronon/flink/FlinkSource.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ abstract class FlinkSource[T] extends Serializable {

* Return a Flink DataStream for the given topic and feature group.
* When implementing a source, you should also make a conscious decision about your allowed lateness strategy.
def getDataStream(topic: String, groupName: String)(
env: StreamExecutionEnvironment,
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