#Cassandra deployment on raspberry pi cluster# This ansible script installs cassandra on a cluster of raspberry pi's. The OS image from hypriot http://blog.hypriot.com/ has been installed on the authors cluster which does not have a copy of the jdk or python preinstalled. Hence the script also install's the jdk from oracle.
For controlling multiple nodes it is recommended that passwordless ssh login is used. Instructions can be found here http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/3-steps-to-perform-ssh-login-without-password-using-ssh-keygen-ssh-copy-id/
If the machine running ansible is macosx then https://github.com/brockgr/csshx is recommended. This allows bash commands to be entered onto multiple hosts. To invoke csshx enter
csshx [email protected].[51-58]
Enter your own address range above.
Select the csshx master window and enter
apt-get install python
To install jdk and type the following from your ansible workstation command line
ansible-playbook -i production --tags=install_jdk,install_cassandra setup.yml
To remove jdk and cassandra type the following
ansible-playbook -i production --tags=remove_jdk,remove_cassandra setup.yml
To install only cassandra then type the following
ansible-playbook -i production --tags=install_cassandra setup.yml
To remove only cassandra then type the following
ansible-playbook -i production --tags=remove_cassandra setup.yml
User configurable variables are stored in /group_vars/all
The cassandra nodes are listed in /production in the appropriate groups. Any changes to reflect your node configuration need to be made there.
The apache cassandra logs are stored in /var/log/apache-cassandra.log
After the script has finished the seed nodes must be started first. type the following on each seed node
service cassandra start
type the folowing to see if the node has started and joined the cluster
/opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool status
Then you will see
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 194.76 KB 256 25.1% babe1a04-cabd-4a5d-b80e-e208dafcb606 rack1
Start the second seed node followed by
/opt/cassandra/bin/nodetool status
to see if the node has joined the cluster.
Repeat the steps until all the nodes are up and normal.
If the cluster needs restarting then ensure the seeds nodes are always started first, are up and normal, followed by the non seed nodes. If a node does not start then manually start it again.
www.datastax.com and planetcassandra.org are great sources of information. Also cassandra.apache.org has links to the mailing lists.
For information about ansible visit www.ansible.com