The Repository with my realization of list data structure
Table of contents:
- This is not an ordinary list implemented on pointers (where every node is a structure with data and poiners to the next and the previous nodes).
- There is a structure with 3 arrays (data, next and previous) in this list and all the nodes of the list contained in this arrays. This approach makes inserting a new element into the list much faster (O(1) against O(N)) than in its classical implementation. Because we don't need to allocated memory every time we want to insert the new element into the list(For more information about the insertion principle, see below).
- But the time saved on insertion, we spend on a longer resizing and initialization of the list (We need to alocate whole buffer for the list).
git clone
C_COMPILER_NAME your_prog.c List/list.c List/dump/dump.c List/graphdump/DtDump.c
- You also can use my main.c file and then run:
To use graphic dump you need graphviz
- You can install graphviz by:
sudo apt install graphviz
mkdir logs
#include <stdio.h>
#include "list.h" // including the list
int main ()
List* lst = 0;
lst = ListCtor (8, "logs/log.html"); // Create a list structure
int last_elem = ListInsertAft(lst, lst->fic, 1); // Insert first node and save it's index returns
for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
last_elem = ListInsertAft(lst, last_elem, i); // Insert several nodes in a loop
ListGraphDump (lst, "dump1.svg"); // Dump our list
lst = Linearization (lst); // There we understand, that we don't need speed any more and linearixed our list for most useful usege
ListInsertAft(lst, 6, 10); // Insert node with data 10 after 6's node
ListGraphDump (lst, "dump2.svg"); // One more dump
ListDtor(lst); // Destructing our list
return 0;
typedef struct List {
list_t* data;
FILE* logfile;
int* next;
int* prev;
int fic;
int free;
int capacity;
int size;
int linearized;
} List;
- fic - index of fictitious element of the list (My list is not obvious looped) and this element is not useable.
- So, you can use
as an index of first list element andlist->prev[lst->fic]
as an index of last list element. My list has an ordinary list of functions:
List* ListCtor (int capacity, char* logfile_name);
This function function you must call at the start of using list. It will set all the list variables, open logfile and allocate buffer.
- Returns the pointer into the top of the list created.
- logfile must be .html document
int ListInsertAft (List* lst, int last, list_t val);
This function insert new node with value "val" in the list "lst" right after "last" element. The insertion takes place by a physical number of "last" element, not logical
- This function return the physical number of the node insert. It can be usefull.
void ListDelete (List* lst, int to_del);
This function delete node with physical number "to_del".
void ListGraphDump (List* lst, char* pic_name);
This function fills logfile with the dump of the list.
- You can call this function several times and then in logfile will be several dumps.
void ListResize (List* lst, int new_capacity);
This function resizes list for a "new_capacity" parameter.
List* Linearization (List* lst);
This function reassemble the list so that the logical numbers match the physical ones. Returns the poiner on the top of linearized list.
- Use this function only if you don't need fast of the program, because this function is slow (O(N) + reallocation).
void ListDtor (List* lst);
This function destroy your list, free all the memory allocated for list, close logfile e.t.c.
- The feature, that makes insertion much faster in our list is a variable "free", that always contains index of free element of the array. And this variable updates instantly, because we have the list of free elements of our array (In resizing of the list and deleting the nodes we must add elemnts in this lists of free).