[Live Link:] (https://destiny-locker.herokuapp.com/guardian)
[Trelo Board:] (https://trello.com/b/YD7s3n0f/seir-project-2)
Destiny Locker is an aplication created to manage and help you remember your different loadouts and fashion designs for everyones absolute favorite game... Destiny 2!
Destiny locker uses a total of three different models to allow different users to have acess to their own personalized builds for their guardians fashion as well as in game loadouts.
- You can create both loadouts, and fashion builds as speciffic or as vague as you want, with fashion images!
- You can also edit or delete any of you build in both sections.
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Express
- dotenv
- mongoose
- GoogleFonts
- Milligram CSS
- User page to edit passwords and other profile information.
- A method to allow users to share their loadouts and fashions to other users.
- Mobile Friendly Version