This project was created by Tom Ames, Nick Davis, and Anthony Surace.
Looking for Backend? Check out the Backend Repo.
Looking for Trello? Check out the Events n' Stuff Trello Board.
Looking for Heroku? Check out the Events Database.
Want to get to your Event-Planning? Check out Events n' Stuff!
Create an application that allows logged-in users to create events, publicize events, edit events, and delete events. Any user is able to access the site freely and view details on any events that have been posted to the site, and logged in users have the ability to edit their own events, schedule attendance at any event, post new events, and view any events they host or attend.
- Javascript
- React
- Express
- MongoDB
- Github
- Heroku (back-end)
- Netlify (front-end)
- Allow full CRUD functionality
- Create User Authentication / Authorization
- Create Search Functionality
- Incorporate Bootstrap
- Implement with Public Events API
The Events n' Stuff website was created to allow users to browse/search events, create an account, and create/update/delete events. Users will access the site and be presented with the below index:
Users can utilize the Search bar to browse events and filter the Carousel by Location/Name:
Users can select "Login" or "Sign Up" in the top right and be presented with the below sign-in and login screens:
Logged-in users can access the access the Create Event option on the site, inaccessible unauthenticated users:
Any users can click on the Linked event name to access its "Show" page. Only logged-in users have the ability to update or delete information for their own events, and only logged-in users can access the Attend option for events:
Logged in users can access their My Events page to view created events that they host, or pivot to a list of events they attend:
Feed Global State Token to Main and Login/Signup Component:s
Create Event:
Update/Delete Event:
Anthony Surace
Release Manager / Backend Developer
Anthony's Github
Tom Ames
Product Manager / Front-End Developer
Tom's Github
Nick Davis
Product Manager / Front-End Developer
Nick's Github