#Tweets Scraper from twitter in Python Using Selenium Recently Twitter has stopped giving their Apis to everyone, So I write simple Python script using selenium to scrap all the tweets from a user and store into a CSV file
##Extracting Tweets from the #user in twitter
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/si72rose/LinkedIn-Jobs-Scraper.git
- Install python packages
pip install Python
pip install selenium
pip install request
Twitter allows seeing only the recent 300 tweets from any user. In order to access the Url of the user with all the past post follow question and answer in here Stackexchange and search in tweeter search bar copy the URL of the search page and paste into tweet_scraper.py file
├── README.md
├── Tweet_Scraper.py(Full bot , this file is confidential please contact for more info)
├── data.csv (Sample data)
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