*Project is no longer maintained *Re-implemented in React Native as a learning exercise here: https://github.com/akersh-s/Tofu-React
Stack: Angular (JS Framework) + Ionic (Hybrid App Framework), Karma (Test Runner), Gulp (Task Runner), Firebase (Auth,DB), SASS (Styling Engine), Bower (Package Manager)
When users sign up using their email address, email with a temporary password is sent automatically to them. They'll need to change the password prior to using the app.
To use the app, users need to log in using their email and password.
Users can always change their password, whether it's a temporary password they got upon sign up, or not.
If one forgets their password, they can enter their email address to get a temporary password via email.
Placeholder for the app itself. The app tracks the user's geolocation, uses the data to reach out to the OpenWeather API (https://openweathermap.org/api) to retrieve local weather as well as Panoramio API (http://www.panoramio.com/api/widget/api.html) to display a local image as the wallpaper.
Ensure that Ionic 1.3 is Installed: http://ionicframework.com/
1. git clone repo
2. cd repo
3. npm install
4. ionic serve
5. ionic platform add android
6. ionic build android
7. ionic run android
5. ionic platform add ios
6. ionic build ios
7. ionic run ios