According to the World Health Organization survey from 2021, there are 1 billion people in the world who have moderate or severe distance vision impairment. The project's main objective is to develop an android application for object detection for the blind. This is implemented for the COCO dataset, which has 80 classes of objects that the user will probably utilize daily. Android Studio is used to make the app and the UI. The model is trained using TensorFlow and converted into TensorFlow Lite. The project is carried out using a camera device on the client's side that records live video, converts it into frames, detects the objects and it's position and gives audio output.
Common Objects in Context (COCO) is a high-quality dataset primarily used in neural networks. COCO has several features:
- 328K images (>200K labeled)
- 1.5 million object instances
- 80 object categories
- The user opens the android application built using Android Studio and accesses the camera to detect the object in real-time.
- The model converts the real-time video and divides it into a series of frames.
- Now using the ssd_mobilenet_v2_quantized model, the objects are detected in the frames, if there are any, and classified into different classes available in the COCO dataset; if no object is found, the process keeps on running until it finds the object.
- The detected label of an object with a spatial location is converted to speech.
We chose the best model for our project and converted it to a TensorFlow Lite model, after which we built an Android app and integrated the TensorFlow Lite model. The developed model detects objects and their locations in the frame. It also displays the confidence of each detected object. To name a few limitations, the app can only detect 10 objects at a time and has difficulty identifying objects in low lighting. Furthermore, the app keeps detecting the same object. We added a play and stop function to the code to start and stop the audio output whenever the screen is touched.
Predict the situation of the surroundings based on the objects detected and their positioning. ▪ Quantizing the model for increasing the fps and decreasing the inference time.
If you don't have already, install Android Studio, following the instructions on the website.
You need an Android device and Android development environment with minimum API 21.
Android Studio 3.2 or later.
Open Android Studio, and from the Welcome screen, select Open an existing Android Studio project.
From the Open File or Project window that appears, navigate to and select the tensorflow-lite/examples/object_detection/android directory from wherever you cloned the TensorFlow Lite sample GitHub repo. Click OK.
If it asks you to do a Gradle Sync, click OK.
You may also need to install various platforms and tools, if you get errors like "Failed to find target with hash string 'android-21'" and similar. Click the Run button (the green arrow) or select Run > Run 'android' from the top menu. You may need to rebuild the project using Build > Rebuild Project.
If it asks you to use Instant Run, click Proceed Without Instant Run.
Also, you need to have an Android device plugged in with developer options enabled at this point. See here for more details on setting up developer devices.
Downloading, extraction and placing it in assets folder has been managed automatically by download.gradle.
If you explicitly want to download the model, you can download from here. Extract the zip to get the .tflite and label file.
Please do not delete the assets folder content. If you explicitly deleted the files, then please choose Build->Rebuild from menu to re-download the deleted model files into assets folder.