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Instant feature rich terminal image viewer (as fast as catimg, if not faster).

AUR version dub git license aur votes dub rating git stars status


1 Source

Compilation of this repository requires dlang.

  1. Clone this repo and build it with dub build -b release
  2. Copy created binary ./bin/pxv to somewhere in your path, for example ~/.local/bin/

2 Binary

  1. Go to releases and download binary.
  2. Copy downloaded binary pxv to somewhere in your path, for example ~/.local/bin/


  1. Install with any package manager of your choice. Assuming you have yay install with yay -Syu pxv or if you have pkm install with pkm install pxv

4 dub

  1. Fetch package with dub fetch pxv
  2. Build and install into /usr/bin with dub build pxv -b release -c install


Flag Description Notes
-c, --columns Sets width/columns. Can be used together with -r to set custom image size
-r, --rows Sets height/rows. If -c and -m are not set will change -m to height
-s, --size Matches set dimention. Must be one of: width, height, fit. Fit option will fit image automatically. Defaults to width. Gifs are always matching to fit
-C, --color Sets color type. Must be one of: ansi8, ansi256, truecolor. ansi8 prints with \e[$1m, ansi256 with \e[38;5;$1m and truecolor with \e[38;2;$1m
-g, --grayscale Prints image in grayscale. Keeps -C palette.
-l, --lowres Renders image in half of resolution. Must be turned on if your terminal doesn't have support for unicode since by default pxv prints with "▀" and "▄".
-i, --ascii Uses ascii palette. Default palette is .`^,:;!-~=+<>[]{}*JS?AX#%@
-p, --palette Sets ascii palette for output. Works only with -i flag.
-b, --background Disables background. Does not work when using -l without -i.
-o, --once If image is gif and flag is set then it's going to do only one loop
-S, --still Shows only first frame in gif Marks image as not gif
-f, --frame Shows only N frame in gif Marks image as not gif





TrueColor + Ascii

Ascii + NoBackground

GIFs (excuse compression artifacts)