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Graph API

Anatoliy Talamanov edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 47 revisions

What it is?

  • OpenCV 4.0 comes with an experimental Graph API module (see opencv/modules/gapi). This is a new API which allows to enable offload and optimizations for image processing / CV algorithms on pipeline level.

  • The idea behind G-API is to declare image processing task in form of expressions and then submit it for execution – using a number of available backends. At the moment, there’s reference “CPU” (OpenCV-based), "GPU" (also OpenCV T-API-based), and experimental “Fluid’ backends available, with other backends coming up next.

  • G-API is an uncommon OpenCV module since it acts as a framework: it provides means for declaring operations, building graphs of operations, and finally implementing the operations for a particular backend. G-API model enforces separation between interfaces and implementations, so once an algorithm is expressed in G-API terms, it can be scaled/ported/offloaded to a new platform easily.

  • G-API CPU (OpenCV) backend implements G-API standard functions using OpenCV itself (core/imgproc modules) and acts as a quick prototyping/porting/testing backend. If you have an image processing algorithm composed of OpenCV-like functions already, you would be able to switch quickly to G-API by using this backend.

  • G-API Fluid backend implements a cache-efficient execution model and allows to save memory dramatically – e.g. a 1.5GB image processing pipeline fits into 750KB memory footprint with G-API/Fluid. G-API comes with a number of operations implemented for Fluid backend, so one can switch OpenCV/Fluid operations within a graph easily and even mix both in the same graph.

  • G-API GPU backend implements the majority of available functions and allows to run OpenCL kernels on available OpenCL-programmable devices. At the moment, GPU backend is based on OpenCV Transparent API; in future versions it will be extended to support integration of arbitrary OpenCL kernels (and likely be renamed to "OpenCL backend").

  • G-API ONNX backend implements ONNX models inference operations on input data and outputs the results. At the moment, ONNX backend is based on ONNX Runtime C/C++ API.

Building G-API

G-API is built with OpenCV by default, however some features may require additional options or dependencies enabled.

Building with OpenVINO Toolkit support

source path-to-unpacked-openvino/bin/
  • Build G-API with OpenVINO support:
cmake /path-to-opencv -DWITH_INF_ENGINE=ON -DINF_ENGINE_RELEASE=2021030000

NOTE: Set INF_ENGINE_RELEASE to the proper version, depending on the package you use.

Building with PlaidML support

bazelisk build //plaidml2:wheel
pip install -U bazel-bin/plaidml2/wheel.pkg/tmp/dist/*
python3 /path-to-plaidml/plaidml/plaidml2/
export `cat ~/.plaidml2`
  • Build G-API with PlaidML2 support:
cmake /path-to-opencv -DPlaidML2_DIR=path-to-miniconda3/share/plaidml2 -DWITH_PLAIDML=ON
  • Run tests:
/path-to-opencv-build/bin/opencv_test_gapi --gtest_filter=*GAPI_PlaidML_Pipelines*

Building with Microsoft ONNX Runtime support

  • Build and install the ONNX RT (currently tested with v1.5.1):
 $ git clone --recursive
 $ cd onnxruntime
 $ git checkout v1.5.1
 $ git submodule update --init
 $ ./ --config Release --build_shared_lib --parallel \
 $     --cmake_extra_defines CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
 $ cd build/Linux/Release
 $ make install
  • Then specify extra options to OpenCV CMake:
 $ cmake /path-to-opencv -DWITH_ONNX=ON -DORT_INSTALL_DIR=/path-to-ort-install-dir

Testing G-API

By default, the OpenCV G-API comes with its own test suite (opencv_test_gapi). Note that extra (external) G-API modules may introduce their own test suites. G-API tests are built and run in a regular way:


$ make -j4 opencv_test_gapi
$ bin/opencv_test_gapi


$ cmake --build . --target opencv_test_gapi --config Release -- /maxcpucount:4
$ bin\Release\opencv_test_gapi.exe

A tiny fraction of G-API tests requires external test data to be available. This data is taken from the opencv_extra repo:

export OPENCV_TEST_DATA_PATH=/path/to/opencv_extra/testdata

With OpenVINO Inference Engine

When you build G-API with OpenVINO Inference Engine support (-DInferenceEngine_DIR=... -DWITH_INF_ENGINE=ON), some extra tests for inference are enabled and require OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH to be set and models downloaded using the command below!

export OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH=/path/to/opencv_extra/testdata/dnn
openvino$ ./tools/downloader/ -o ${OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH}/omz_intel_models/2020.3.0 \
    --cache_dir ${OPENCV_DNN_TEST_DATA_PATH}/.omz_cache/ \
    --name age-gender-recognition-retail-0013

With ONNX Runtime

When you build G-API with ONNX Runtime support, tests for inference are enabled and require OPENCV_GAPI_ONNX_MODEL_PATH to be set:

$ export OPENCV_GAPI_ONNX_MODEL_PATH=/path-to/onnx-models/

and models downloaded using the commands:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd models
$ git lfs pull --include=path-to-desired-onnx-model --exclude=""

Submitting G-API PRs

G-API supports so-called STANDALONE mode build which is not validated by default. Please put the below lines to the PR description to validate that this mode is not broken by the PR:

force_builders=Custom,Custom Win,Custom Mac
build_gapi_standalone:Linux x64=ade-0.1.1f
build_gapi_standalone:Linux x64 Debug=ade-0.1.1f


build_image:Custom Win=openvino-2021.2.0
build_image:Custom Mac=openvino-2021.2.0

test_modules:Custom Win=gapi,python2,python3,java
test_modules:Custom Mac=gapi,python2,python3,java

# disabled due high memory usage: test_opencl:Custom=ON


  • ADE version may change, refer to the latest correct one (see DownloadADE.cmake).

G-API build depends on a number of external components which may not be built by default, e.g. PlaidML:


or ONNX Runtime:


It is also worth testing if any internal API changes are made.


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