This repository contains the Apache DataFusion blog content.
Based on instructions at
brew install chruby ruby-install xz
ruby-install ruby 3.1.3
Note: I did not have a ~/.zshrc
file so had to create one first.
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "source $(brew --prefix)/opt/chruby/share/chruby/" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "chruby ruby-3.1.3" >> ~/.zshrc # run 'chruby' to see actual version
Quit and restart terminal.
ruby -v
Should be ruby 3.1.3p185 (2022-11-24 revision 1a6b16756e) [arm64-darwin23]
or similar.
gem install jekyll bundler
cd site
bundle exec jekyll serve
TBD, but create the html with bundle exec jekyll build
then check the content into asf-site