Version 1.0 - Python cross-platform application. Contact me with the coordinates at the bottom of the page to get the Mac OS X ".app" or Windows ".exe" application !!
InstaSize is a program to add borders to your images to keep an Instagram feed with a "paper" effect on your images. All portrait images processed by the program have the same size of top/bottom borders and the landscapes have the same size of left/right borders to have uniform images. The processed images form squares.. If you want an airy feed, this app will save you !
- Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave and earlier/ Windows 7 SP1 and earlier
- Python 3.7.1 (except for executables)
- Have tkinter for GUI and PIL for image processing (except for executables) To install these packages :
pip3 install tk
pip3 install pillow
In the addBorder () function, you can change the pixel size of the borders, here are the default values:
- Portrait orientation (up / down borders): 230px
- Landscape orientation (left / right borders): 200px Note: if you change the value in each program calculation operation, your image will always be a square.
- You can change the type of files to process by replacing the ".jpg" strings (ex: change to ".png")
- You can modify the text appearing in each window of the GUI
The directory paths where your source / destination images are stored must not contain spaces. Support for Windows paths with spaces is an evolution in progress.
Sometimes, because of a bug, the folder selection buttons do not display text. Resize the window with the mouse and the text appears (only with the .app)
Version 1.1 will support blank spaces and thus create a Windows executable
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