Drone Mail - 21st Century Carrier Pigeon Protocol. A first implementation using an IoT Traveling Mesh composed of Stations and UAV-Drones called PALs that physically and autonomously carry the payload over 7 Miles to exchange messages...
- station_files - Raspberry PI files to use if the node is to behave as a Station in the DMail Network
- pal_files - Raspberry PI files to use if the node is to behave as a PAL/Carrier/UAV-Drone in the DMail Network
- A barebones Ruby on Rails app exists inside each files folder as "palstation"
- At least two Stock RaspberryPI 3b with RaspbianOS 4.19
- Install Ruby On Rails framework. Following this guide is recommended: https://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ruby-on-rails-on-raspberry-pi--cms-21421
- Install nodejs, batctl and all the other MESH requirements. Following this guide is required: https://developer.ibm.com/tutorials/create-iot-mesh-network/
- Register at api.weather.com found in IBM Cloud Catalog for an authorization Key
- Update the get-forecast.sh to use your new api.weather.com authorization key
- Until it is configured at boot-time, please run ./start-rails-srv.sh upon first login on both devices
- Be sure to run all migrations (rake db:migrate) so that your app is functional... and then
- Hit those local addresses, Station default to start creating and sending those Messages.
Proposed State Machine: Pal Carrier UAV (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Pu8oTEWXuHtDFviogQzbBGlWF_Sephfo)
Proposed State Machine Station (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1C3wiFHFfGfmr3K-rVR9Mvo4SAPK7cgHo)
Data Flow Diagram (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ddb5E3ziwPrZdD8yGa0CVGDNmW0r5BrD)