Website for home vegetable gardening. This project was developed for learning React, so all feedback is welcome :).
It was created with Create Reaact App, and it uses several features: SASS, api context, useReducer, localStorage and react router, among others. It´s still a work in progress, although it´s currently stand by so I can focus in other projects.
- Full accesibility review and adjustments,
- Login and authentication,
- Tests,
- Backend for uploading growing sowing photos and sharing sowing records with other users,
- Further filters,
- Diagrams for sowing planning, according to available user garden space.
- Demo:
- Notes about what I've learnt doing Mi huerta (in English):
- Notes about what Mi Huerta means to me (in Spanish):
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, so available scripts are usual CRA scripts.
Thanks for stopping by! 👋