This is the part of CacoPhonic choir responsible for generating sound.
Install stuff:
Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install jackd1
$ sudo apt-get install supercollider
Add this line to /etc/security/limits.conf
@audio - rtprio 99
Not sure if something needs to be done to reload limits.conf
; rebooting after making this change might be a good idea.
$ DISPLAY=:0.0 sclang
Supercollider starts JACK (though we might want to have jack started by root as a service so it can run at a higher priority).
There is a mock word server written in node.js; it lives in the node-mock-ai
folder. See the readme there for more details.
$ cd node-mock-ai
$ npm install
$ CCC_SOUND_DIR=/path/to/sounds node server.js
Start JACK:
$ sudo jackd -dalsa -dhw:0
Start the sclang repl headless:
$ DISPLAY=:0.0 sclang