name: Alexander Jophus
location: Bristol, UK
job: Senior Software Engineer (Go)
- Developer Experience
- DevOps
- Making Microservices Go Zoom
- Gaming
- Cooking
- Music
- Go
- Python
- Kubernetes
- Rust/Bevy
- Game Design
Repository | Description |
patlevin/face-detection-tflite | Face and iris detection for Python based on MediaPipe |
atomashpolskiy/rustface | Face detection library for the Rust programming language |
deepinsight/insightface | State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project |
alexanderjophus/wasme | Apply filters to video feed |
shuttle-hq/shuttle | Build & ship backends without writing any infrastructure files. |
Repository | Description |
go1-24 | Repo for my talk on go 1.24's new features |
planner | 🗓 the main codebar site |
wasme | Apply filters to video feed |
alexanderjophus | The special repo | |