Library of Dynamic Neural Networks for time series related tasks.
Main library consist of multithreaded simulator of recurrent spiking (impulse) neural networks dynamics written in C++. It contains variety components which can be connected with each other in different combinations.
To install DNN on linux you need to satisfy dependencies (tested on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS):
- clang v3.8 or higher (use
sudo update-alternatives --config cc
andsudo update-alternatives --config c++
to set clang as default compiler for C and C++) - cmake v3.5.1 or higher
- protobuf-compiler v2.6.1
- libprotobuf-dev
- r-base v3.2.1 or higher (for plots and analytics)
Also you need to install some python packages:
- protobuf v2.6.1 (check version with protobuf-compiler)
- numpy
To use R API and scripts you need to install these R packages:
- Rcpp
- zoo
- lattice
- kernlab
DNN uses ground as submodule.
Create two directories: one to keep the source code, and one to buil DNN. Also you need another directory to work with DNN (your working directory).
Clone repositories into source directory:
$ cd [path_to_source_directory]
$ git clone --recursive
Run cmake and make commands in building directory:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[path_to_working_directory] [path_to_source_directory]/dnn
$ make install
Next part can be different for different systems. Add these strings in your ~/.profile file:
export DNN_HOME="[path_to_working_directory]"
Please, check this environment variables before go to last step (e. g. echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Last step. Install R package Rdnn
from source directory:
$ cd [path_to_source_directory]/dnn/R
$ ./