is a package for controlling a Razorbill CSX1x0 strain cell with the Razorbill RP100 power supply (PS) and a Keysight E4980 LCR meter. The package is composed of two main submodules, the strain_server
, which coordinates between the PS and LCR meter to control for strain, and the strain_client
, which allows for control of the strain_server
from a Jupyter notebook or other scripting environment independent of the strain_server
. This design has been chosen to decouple the day-to-day use of the instrument from software that makes it run continuously and reliably, and log performance, over the course of a multi-day experiment.
First, this package must be cloned from GitHub, as well as my (Alex Liebman-Pelaez) particular fork of PyMeasure
, since I have modified a few files. On the command line, run the following
git clone [email protected]:alexliebmanp/strain_control.git
git clone [email protected]:alexliebmanp/pymeasure.git
In addition, the following packages must be installed with conda
or pip
if they aren't on your system already:
Lastly, strain_control
and PyMeasure
must be added to PYTHONPATH or to the site-packages folder.
To initiate the strain control server, edit the configurations as desired (described below), especially the initial sample length L0_SAMP
, which is needed to get a correct measure of the strain, and simply run
. On the command line,
This will popup a Qt display. The server captures whatever the current state of the system is, and no closed-loop control enabled.
To apply a voltage on the PS, enable closed-loop control, change the strain setpoint, modify the PS slew rate, or read off the current value for strain, etc., the user may import
into any python environment. For example,
An example notebook to demonstrate usage within a Jupyter Notebook.
from strain_control.strain_client import StrainClient
sc = StrainClient()
The first line after the import generates a StrainClient
object, whose methods transmit messages to the strain_server
and receive a response. See below for a description of the client methods.
NOTE: in the current version of this package, the socket communication host and port are hard-coded as localhost
and 8888
respectively. In principle, the server can live on a remote computer and communication can be carried over a network.
Most laboratory instruments come equipped with a dedicated control unit. For example, a Lakeshore temperature controller coordinates an applied voltage (to a heater) and a measured resistance (from a thermometer) to control for temperature, a third variable. The control unit runs it's own software to handle changes in temperature and maintain a set temperature. A user will often interact with the control unit (which also acts as a server) via a communications python package (client) to query the controller, change it's state, and read off measured values from buffers.
A Razorbill strain cell operates on much the same principle, except that it does not ship with a control unit that controls for strain. Instead, it comes with a power supply and a suggestion for purchasing an LCR meter. The power supply can output a voltage across two different channels to each piezo stack in the strain cell, and hence expand or contract the gap between the sample plates. The LCR meter can read a capacitance from a sensor. Based on a calibration curve and an initial sample length L0_SMAP
, the capacitance can be related to the strain as follows:
where C_offset
was determined at the factory to be 0.04 pF and l0
, the initial gap distance, is 68.68 um. A
has been calibrated to be 5.95 mm^2. Finally, the strain is given by
where l_0^samp
is the sample length at 0 strain. From here, further corrections to the sample strain may be considered by incorporating the various extrinsic contributions to dl
such as the stretch/compression of the sample plates and Stycast epoxy holding the sample into the mounts.
This equation uses what we call the "true" capacitance C_true
to back out the gap distance, and hence the sample strain. In order to obtain the "true" capacitance, the system must be calibrated to subtract off contributions from (1) parasitic capacitance in coaxial cables, and (2) temperature dependent offset.
The capacitance can be thought of as comprising four parts:
C_measured(V, T) = deltaC(V) + C_0 + C_parasitic + C_temp(T),
C_true = deltaC(V) + C_0 = C_measured(V,T) - C_parasitic - C_temp(T)
The "true" capacitance we want is the 0 strain capacitance C_0
(0.808 pF as determined at the factor) plus the voltage induced change deltaC(V)
. The parasitic capacitance can be obtained by doing a proper "zeroing" procedure at room temperature whereby both channels are set to 200V with no sample mounted and the system is allowed to relax back to 0 V slowly, yielding C_measured(0,300)
. Subtracting off the known "true" value at 0 volts we get the parasitic, ie since we know C_0 = 0.808 pF from factory calibrations,
C_parasitic = C_measured(0,300) - 0.808 pF.
The temperature induced offset should also be calculated as
C_temp(T) = C_measured(0,T) - C_measured(0,300)
where C_measured(0,T)
is measured with a titanium dummy sample mounted into the cell. All of these calibrations are hard-coded into the strain_server
both in the configuration settings and as a temperature calibration lookup table. They can be checked periodically if necessary.
In principle, the voltage can be changed to induce a change in strain, as measured with the capacitor.
Clearly, there is a need to coordinate these two instruments and control for strain. This is the job of the strain_server
. The server runs over a few different threads and two processes:
- main thread - initializes instruments and starts the display process, which launches a graphical display. When the display is closed, it also initiates the shutdown procedure
- monitor thread - continuously queries PS, LCR meter, and Lakeshore temperature controller to get values for voltage and capacitance, and converts the capacitance to a strain, taking into account a temperature calibration
- control thread - when activated, initiates closed-loop control for strain in one of three modes, (1) PID, (2) Set Voltage, and (3) Combined
- communications thread - listens for connections from the client and reacts appropriately to incoming messages
- logging thread - continuously writes system state values to a log file
The server also includes features for properly and safely applying a voltage to the piezos. In particular, the MAX_VOLTAGE
variables are used to limit the output voltage of the PS to user specified values (as described in the Razorbill manuals).
Here is a brief description of the three control modes:
- PID: while in this mode, the server continuously updates the voltage output of the PS to achieve a desired
utilizing a PID algorithm. - Set Voltage: in this mode, the server linearly ramps the voltage until the
is achieved within some tolerance. It then maintains this voltage until the strain falls outside of the tolerance, at which point the loop repeats. - Combined: in this mode, the strain is roughly achieved using the Set Voltage algorithm, and then maintained with a PID loop.
(Eventually move these to a configuration file) The server may be configured in the source code by modifying the
SIM=True # True to simulate PS and LCR meter for testing
STARTING_SETPOINT=0 # Initial setpoint
SLEW_RATE=0.5 # Initial slew rate
P=1000 # Starting PID params
L0 = 68.68 # initial capacitor spacing # gap between sensor plates at 0 strain
L0_SAMP = 68.68 # sample length at 0 strain
C_MEASURED_0 = 0.812 # pF, measured capacitance at 300K and 0V after a zeroing procedure.
C_0 = 0.808 # pF, true capacitance at 300K and 0 V.
MAX_VOLTAGE = 119 # V # limits to output voltage
LCR_ADDRESS = None # communications addresses.
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 15200
LOG_FILENAMEHEAD = r'C:\Users\orens\Google Drive\Shared drives\Orenstein Lab\Data\Strain cell log files'
Note: it is important that the server be shutdown properly using shutdown_server()
command as described below. Otherwise, the strain cell system may be left in an unknown or unstable state, potentially leading to a dangerous situation.
The strain_client
takes the role of the communications package. It holds the lightweight StrainClient
class, whose methods can pass commands to the server and receive responses. The user methods are as follows:
StrainClient.start_strain_control(self, mode='PID'):
initiate control loop on strain server.
- response:
- mode(string): 'PID', 'Set Voltage', or 'Combined'
stop control loop on strain server.
- response: '1' if successful
Get current strain from cell.
args: None
- strain(float): strain
Get current gap from cell.
args: None
- dl(float): strain
Get current capacitance from cell.
args: None
- cap(float): strain
StrainClient.get_voltage(self, channel):
read voltage on given channel.
- channel(int): channel 1 or 2 on power supply
- voltage(float):
StrainClient.set_setpoint(self, new_setpoint):
change target strain setpoint of control loop.
- new_setpoint: setpoint to set
- response: '1' if successful
StrainClient.set_voltage(self, channel, voltage):
sets voltage explicitly on channel 1 or 2
- channel(int): channel 1 or 2 on power supply
- voltage(float): voltage to set
- response: '1' if successful
StrainClient.set_pid(self, p, i, d):
Set PID parameters.
- p(float):
- i(float):
- d(float):
- response(str): '1' if successful
StrainClient.set_slew_rate(self, slew_rate):
change voltage ramp rate on power supply:
- slew_rate(float): slew rate in V/s
- response: '1' if successful
Terminates strain server, correctly shutting down the system and leaving it in a stable, safe state (all voltages ramped to 0 and communications ports closed properly).
args: None
- response(str): '1' if successful