jqDialog - jQuery plugin for creating dialog hovering div
jQuery >= 1.6.1 jquery.ui.position >= 1.8.14 jqI18n plugin for localization jqExt plugin for Object.keys method and array enumeration
See wiki on github: https://github.com/alextk/jqDialog/wiki
If you're not interested in compiling your own version of jqDialog, you can grab the pre-compiled scripts from the dist directory and get started quickly. Otherwise, take a look below.
In order to build jqDialog, you need to ruby 1.8.7, Node.js 0.2 or later, and git 1.7 or later. (Earlier versions might work OK, but are not tested.)
gem installed:
gem install rego-js-builder
Windows users:
Install msysgit (Full installer for official Git), GNU make for Windows. Next you gonna need to build node js exe file and then copy it into mingw/bin folder. To build node js follow this guide: (https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Building-node.js-on-mingw). To install c++/g++ compilers run:
mingw-get install gcc g++ mingw32-make
To install phyton, simply download it from link on the guide, and add it to PATH variable.
If you want to build jqLog to a directory that is different from the default location, you need to edit the Rakefile.
Big shout-out to the jQuery team for providing the directory structure and base files for the git repo, as well as the base-files for the new NodeJS build system!