A pokémon encyclopedia app for iOS and Android powered by React Native.
- Atomic Design
- Design System
- Custom Fonts
- Environment Variables
- Loading Skeleton Placeholder
- Performant Infinite List
- React Navigation
- React Query
- REST API Client
- Styled Components
- SVG Icons
- TypeScript
- Design System File - Pokédex Prototype Figma by Ricardo Schiniegoski
- REST API - Pokémon API by PokéAPI
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
= https://pokeapi.co/api/v2
= https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PokeAPI/sprites/master/sprites/pokemon/other/official-artwork
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/alexup19/PokedexApp.git
Go to the project directory
cd PokedexApp
Install dependencies
npm install
cd ios
pod install
Start Metro
npm start
Start the App
npm run ios
npm run android
- App Icon
- Offline Mode
- Splash Screen
Considering that the REST API from PokéAPI does not support any kind of search or filter parameters, the following features will be added together in the future:
- GraphQL Client - Consuming PokéAPI GraphQL
- Filter Pokémon - Using PokéAPI GraphQL Client
- Search Pokémon - Using PokéAPI GraphQL Client