Tech-Stack: Google Gemini API, Langchain, Streamlit
This project is a Streamlit application that integrates with Google Generative AI to create a conversational chatbot. It includes user authentication, chat history management, and context-based responses.
- User Authentication: Register and log in to use the chatbot.
- Chat Context: Maintains context of the conversation for more accurate responses.
- Chat History: Save and display chat history for each user.
- Clear History: Option to clear the chat history.
- Logout: Option to log out of the application.
- Python
- Streamlit
- Langchain
- Google Generative AI
- SQLite (used for local database)
(for managing environment variables)
The app will be accessible at http://localhost:8501 in your web browser.
- Main application file where the Streamlit app is defined.
- Contains database functions for user authentication and chat history.
- .env: Environment variables file (not included in version control).
- requirements.txt: List of required Python packages.
- This file contains many functions to add, delete and validate users.
- It uses sqlite3 module of python.
- This file is responsible for all the database features, We just have to call these functions in our main file.
- Further explanation can be found in the comments.
- This is the main python file of our project.
- We have used streamlit for building the front-end using python.
- The entry-point of the project is the login page.
- If login is successful, then the chat page gets launched.
- Users can see their own chat history.
- This file contains code for Langchain, Google-Genai and Streamlit.
- This file has my API key for Google's Gemini API.
- I have erased the key from github for privacy and confidential nature of the API keys.
- Anyone can get their own API key from Google's AI studio for free.
Clone this repository on your device.
Get your own API key from
Paste your API key in ".env" file between the quotes.
You have to install python virtual environment using this command on terminal:
pip install virtualenv
From here on, all the commands are to run on terminal of the project directory.
Activate the virtual environment inside the directory using this command on terminal:
Install python-dotenv on this virtual environment:
pip install python-dotenv
Install other dependencies of the project using this command on terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the streamlit app using this command on terminal at your project directory:
streamlit run
There are at least 2 ways deploy our app to cloud.
- To deploy production applications, It is advised to use these cloud services which provides better options of reliablity and scalability.
- I have learned how to deploy our project using AWS.
Set up a free-tier account on aws.
Setup an EC2 instance.
Clone this git repository.
Install every dependency mentioned above.
run the app using:
streamlit run
You will get the IP address where the application is served.
To make it persistent, that means to make this app available all the times even when you close the aws window in your browser: use nohup command.
- We can use community version for free.
- We can get a url of our project as well.
- I have deployed our app using this feature and you can use it directly here:
- This method is not recommended for production grade applications.
Here's the link to demo video: